Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Anti-American sentiment in the UK

Duration: 225 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-14 06:11:07
User: Gnimaerd
:::: Favorites

Comedian Marcus Brigstocke explains anti-American sentiment in the UK - if you're American and don't understand the British attitude to the USA, listen to this.

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fishtank39 ::: Favorites
The Hundred Years' war actually didn't last 100 years. It's a misnomer. Besides, The US hashad less wars because you isolate yourselves from the rest of the world . It's why so many of you don't know much about what has happened outside your own borders.
07-07-29 22:00:39
fishtank39 ::: Favorites
That's telling 'im!! I really hate arrogant American bastards like him.
07-07-29 22:02:28
StormyWeather21 ::: Favorites
since when is calling a person a cunt so horrible. the russians beat us to space big whoop. we got to the moon, we the shuttle, and now we are going to mars 2012. you named a bunch of has been bands. if you haven't noticed rock isn't as popular as it was then. you keep saying thes are things, so your telling me thease THINGS arent part of peoples culture? im not going to name all our musicians and actors if you dont know then you must of been living under a rock.
07-07-29 23:19:15
DavidFdez59 ::: Favorites
Um they've had less wars because they're not as blood thirsty as the europeans. they never killed 6 million jews and 3 million other "undesireables". you guys are sooo hypoctritical its ridiculous. and they've isolated themselves from the world???? thats why they've got the largest economy right? thats why they're the last superpower right? the europeans are just mad because they dont have to power to colonize the world again. you are the most hypocritical people in the world.
07-07-29 23:50:06
HumbleLife ::: Favorites
prescott bush, 1933
07-07-30 14:07:33
HumbleLife ::: Favorites
We owed America due to WWII. We are helping wherever we can, but you guys have seriously got to learn a bit more...
07-07-30 14:23:17
DavidFdez59 ::: Favorites
i just dont get why the europeans hate the americans so much. THEYRE YOUR FAMILY. you guys should be taking care of each other not hating each other. I think we can all agree that we dont like Bush and that he's done some pretty fucked up things. but you have to remember he is not the american people. the american people hate him. so hate the president, not the people
07-07-30 16:49:43
omarcito9999 ::: Favorites
why fight among each other americans, english .... United States is not the same anymore . but if England had a catastrophe as bad as 9-11, I wonder if this English guy that makes fun of us, does he know about history. How many times has England fuck up in History (crusades, dark ages, ) oh well I know here in the USA we are fucked up , but a negative comment from an English Wanker ! wow ! who gives a fuck what he thinks anyway!
07-07-30 20:23:21
bendingnote ::: Favorites
china and russia and the EU should start the holy alliance against usa and pressure them into one nation under god: the united states of the universe. Cause of all the chinese capital the usa will be without a polse unless they nationalize all capital indoors. A communistic revolution in the usa would solve a lot of crap and a world wide organisation without veto aswell.
07-07-30 22:19:49
bendingnote ::: Favorites
get a sense of humour man, become a fucking jew, that is what nietzsche did, he assimilated, when ready become a muslim in respect of christ. You cant see america is already in the dark ages. If your country would have accepted germany as winner in world war 1, none of this shit would have happend, dont expect sympathy, we are humanists with a christian background, not christians.go to mohammed with your need of sympathy.
07-07-30 22:25:31

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