Thursday, August 30, 2007

As One Big Bad Apple

Duration: 01:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-09 19:35:35
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

What I think of As One. Watch their clip first or it won't make any sense.

HisRoyalDudeliness ::: Favorites
And they make fun of just about everything else, perhaps that should tell you something :D.
07-03-18 18:09:23
HisRoyalDudeliness ::: Favorites
I've yet to see the episodes where they make fun of WTC. Lol.
07-03-18 18:08:40
wallyworld ::: Favorites
You got it in one, Jack. When I first saw the footage I thought it an elaborate joke. And then your President hit back. Blindly. With his "War Against Terrorism" - right up there with "War against drugs - just say no" and meanwhile...young guys die. Just like 'Nam.
07-03-14 06:12:15
jackbollocks12345 ::: Favorites
I believe wallyworld uses 11/9 as a metaphore for the general absence of reality amongst these you tube elitists,I mean whose jaw didn't drop watching those planes hit those ill fated buildings, I for one will never forget that morning!
07-03-14 04:12:16
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Minus Zero for your comment. These images have been around and around - we've all seen them. Yeah it was a dreadful thing but move on. If I had to think about who I was gonna offend I wouldn't post any fucking videos. Someone always takes offence at something. Faggot.( Just kidding) Do you think the creators of South Park or Family Guy stop and say "Wait...we can't say that, HisRoyalNothingness might get offended"?
07-03-13 15:12:58
HisRoyalDudeliness ::: Favorites
Eh, my parody is on digitalsoul's. Perhaps I posted it in the wrong place :D. Meh. Zero for WTC footage.
07-03-13 06:53:10
MyLifeAsaVlog ::: Favorites
Seen the Nuke that Lisa Nova just dropped on these guys?
07-03-12 14:46:14
MyLifeAsaVlog ::: Favorites
Ha ha ha
07-03-12 12:13:05
wallyworld ::: Favorites
You're probably right. It might've worked better just with footage from elitist, arrogant, egotistical assholes. can you send me yours?
07-03-12 04:20:40
AshBradford ::: Favorites
Wow. You're a moron. What on earth does a YouTube meet-up have to do with 9/11? If you don't want to go to the meet up, then screw off and don't go. Don't try and ruin this for those of us who actually want it. Stooping to the level you did, showing 9/11 footage, was revolting. You should be ashamed of yourself.
07-03-11 18:54:21

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