Monday, August 20, 2007

Boise State's Fluke Win in the Fiesta Bowl

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-01 02:43:55
User: kansasooner
:::: Favorites

The circus that was the Fiesta Bowl. Every Boise State score comes off a flukish play: 1) 50 yard fluke bomb on opening possession 2) OU fumbles on it's own 9 yard line, BSU scores 3) 32 yard desperation sideline heave with 30 seconds left in half. 4) 27 yard INT return for a TD 5) 50 yard hook-n-lateral on 4th and 18 with 9 seconds left in game. 6) Trick play halfback pass on 4th down on Boise's SEVENTH play in OT (possession starts at 25 yard line). 7) Trick play behind the back handoff Statue of Liberty for 2 point conversion.

statue75 ::: Favorites
Someone get ksooner a Kleenex and possibly a zwiebeck biscuit.
07-08-16 04:06:18
siouxfan7 ::: Favorites
Fluke? more like Choke!!....big time
07-08-16 23:01:14
siouxfan7 ::: Favorites
should probably get him some vagisil too cuz hes such a pussy that he has to call every legit play a fluke
07-08-16 23:03:28
dasmart1 ::: Favorites
gee, that was one-sided
07-08-17 04:37:48
hihi10101 ::: Favorites
Fluke? more like horrible defense and the offences horrible atempts at holding onto the ball
07-08-17 14:16:32
ludy8585 ::: Favorites
You spelled fluke wrong, it's actually spelled "OU Sucks and Choked"
07-08-17 16:41:48
neversummersierra ::: Favorites
Yep...BSU kicks ass and Sooners were the loosers!
07-08-17 22:06:04
gomerjones ::: Favorites
You mean where they came back from all those points down and scored on the first play of OT?
07-08-18 16:39:07
unkleray1 ::: Favorites
1. Happens weekly in college games 2. " 3. Bad tackling by OU 4. Happens weekly 5. Knew the defense would overpersue the play 6. Happens regularly 7. Another case of overpersuing by OU defense These plays happen fairly often in college football, to call them flukes is clearly a misunderstanding of the word.
07-08-18 20:40:03
Jacksnight2 ::: Favorites
fluke?...haha, wow i can see which side you're on...some people just can't appreciate good playing (or bad playing more like) when they see it...
07-08-19 19:32:53

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