Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hannity & Colmes - Catholic Bishop Says 'Call God Allah'

Duration: 05:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 21:50:07
User: SetOVBrass
:::: Favorites

A Catholic Bishop in hollad says christians should call God Allah

xyzgenericid ::: Favorites
Perhaps because what needs to happen to ease tensions is for Islam to stop whining that others don't believe their religion or even have to respect it. They should stop wanting the world to appease them. The answer is not appeasement but to grow up and see that since they are moving westward that people have the freedom to choose and disagree with their religion. All religions have had to deal with disbelievers and critics.
07-08-17 15:37:03
Rookam3 ::: Favorites
"If you looked at the language Jessu spoke" whow how many times have I heard that one. If you knew teh Scriptures you would know exactly what Jesus was saying. "doesn't it sound like Allah" another good one. Will give you time to research before I show you how wrong you are but good try.
07-08-17 16:04:58
Lolzerzomg ::: Favorites
As Lyes has pointed out, Allah just means "god" in Arabic, if you are an Arabic christian (my cousins are Arabs who follow the Greek Orthodox church), they call god, god...but if they are speaking in their native tongue, its just Allah. Its like saying in English "the name of god is god", but to the perspective of a Hebrew, that would be equaly as repulsing as saying "god is allah", because they call "god" "El" or "Jah" or "Elohim...etc"
07-08-17 18:39:55
Lolzerzomg ::: Favorites
The closest we have for this relationship between god and "allah" is that allah sounds like Hebrew for "El Jah" which just means "god lord" in Hebrew. You can see this in many examples in the bible, daniEL (god is my judge), BenJAmin (the lord is my right hand). ELiJAH (the lord is god...or god is lord). Those are the literal translations of names of people in the bible. Put 2 and 2 together, EL + Jah can be changed to Al + Yah.
07-08-17 18:45:24
Lolzerzomg ::: Favorites
How familiar are you with the bible? it is written in Hebrew, Aramaic (i.e. book of Daniel), and Greek. A good number of Jews spoke Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek at the time of Jesus, they are called "Helenistic Jews" because they observed Greek culture. Jesus was raised in Egypt for a while, so im pretty sure he spoke their native language as well (if it was not Aramaic that is).
07-08-17 18:48:08
Lolzerzomg ::: Favorites
Err the reply button never seems to work for me.
07-08-17 18:50:03
SetOVBrass ::: Favorites
Lolzerzomg: No, I don't have a heavy knowledge of the bible in terms of "cultural contexts"; appreciate the informative feedback :)
07-08-17 20:18:19
asteroide ::: Favorites
What Ignorant paranoid Freaks. Catholic and Christian Arabs call God Allah everyday and night... and where was this catholic priest when all the pedophiles were having getting away with it, I doubt he was speaking out loud against it.
07-08-17 22:32:30
Lyes99dz ::: Favorites
I don't see what your comment has to do with this video, Sorry.
07-08-17 23:01:40
bingolly ::: Favorites
It is obvious that this is talking about appeasing a group of people by calling god a name that is not of our choosing just to ease tensions with the muslim word. "Easing tensions" is what the bishop was discussing. Why don't the muslims accept Jesus Christ as the son of God to ease tensions. Sound ridicules to you I am sure. Would you appease the Christian world to ease tension?
07-08-17 23:22:04

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