Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hurt Nine Inch Nails / Johnny Cash Cover

Duration: 307 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-27 14:26:29
User: ScheissLeben
:::: Favorites

Im from germany, 16 years old and beginner on guitar. pleace comment!

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JCorby1989 ::: Favorites
lol :D
07-05-23 20:15:31
ScheissLeben ::: Favorites
thx for comment!
07-05-24 09:36:20
JoinWow ::: Favorites
Hey, ich versuch mich gerade auch an dem Lied (spielen/singen). Richtig gute Stimme, aber ich glaube, du solltest eher total abgehen^^ ABROCKEN! Dazu passen andere Songs^^ Aber zurück zum Vid/Gespieltem/Song: Hast du richtig schön gemacht! Besonders bei ende erste Min.: AND YOU COULD HAVE IT ALL... Great! ;)
07-05-25 10:12:59
ScheissLeben ::: Favorites
danke ey!!! solche comment machen doch einem froh^^ vielen dank
07-05-27 08:19:23
tuboTOTON ::: Favorites
nice song u know i like to play guitar but my guitar is not an electric one is a wood one
07-05-28 14:45:12
ScheissLeben ::: Favorites
you mean acustik lol xD well this song is for acustik guitar!!!^^ soooo PLAY IT !!!!
07-05-28 15:00:18
tuboTOTON ::: Favorites
O_o yes haha u r right come on :´( ....after 4 weeks O_O
07-06-25 19:08:38
misha2314 ::: Favorites
I love it. You sing good. Peace. (misha)
07-05-30 01:54:24
ScheissLeben ::: Favorites
wow thx misha for all the comments i will go watch your videos too! ^^
07-05-30 09:24:27
alexdaftpunk91 ::: Favorites
in Italy used this song for a Nike's publicity.............ok,you don't care anything....T_T = it's crying for your fault!!!ahahha
07-06-20 18:52:07
priscillaplague ::: Favorites
nice. such a great song! :D
07-06-26 16:12:44
whatevaaah ::: Favorites
Really good for a beginner :) good singing too considered you're german.
07-07-06 13:08:56
ScheissLeben ::: Favorites
07-07-06 17:09:53
KamunouHyena ::: Favorites
Dude, that's an awesome cover. Thanks for putting it public. Great job of catching the NIN feel durring the chorus. ;b
07-07-11 20:59:38
ScheissLeben ::: Favorites
thx :)
07-07-12 11:27:07

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