Thursday, August 9, 2007

Late Night Crew Tell Stories About Pooping Their Pants

Duration: 598 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-12 04:31:03
User: xx2000xx
:::: Favorites

Talks about pooping their pants. Good stuff.

kals07 ::: Favorites
Really though, would we rather hear about someone shitting their pants or them discussing their intelligent views on Shakespeare.
07-07-12 17:32:12
geehowie ::: Favorites
its gonna be quite the show with father and daughter. Dick is outthere, but he Rocks..bummed that Dick doesnt know Nicks real allance.
07-07-12 17:53:06
Riottxx ::: Favorites
i dont really like jameka...shes no fun
07-07-13 01:11:01
speedn2007 ::: Favorites
07-07-25 12:29:33
dirtymotherfella ::: Favorites
who is the girl talking
07-07-27 17:37:45
Yr1999 ::: Favorites
That's creepy... the cameraman decides to zoom in on Dick's groin area. Lovely. Also, why is his "peepee" (as Amber calls it) so, dare I say, pronounced? It looks like he doesn't even wear underwear. If he wore underwear, couldn't he at least tuck it up or something?
07-07-28 22:15:54
Yr1999 ::: Favorites
I was thinking the same thing - to an extent. They just seem very, very, very crude with the way they speak and the things they speak about. They don't have much class talking about "shit stories." But, oh well... nothing we can do about it. Those type of people will talk about whatever they want to talk about, regardless of what anyone thinks.
07-07-28 22:19:21
revidescent ::: Favorites
07-07-29 03:07:26
KarazyAndOdd ::: Favorites
he doesnt wear underwear, or boxers, watch Dick NUDe and he throws on his pants and no underwear.. Gotta Love Evel Dick LMAO!
07-07-31 13:19:37
itsafamilything ::: Favorites
why are they talking like this, especially amber! i cant even believe it..i bet her family is super proud of her. why would you share that with strangers, let alone the world!! tactless...disgusting...vile. this is disturbing
07-08-02 00:22:14

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