Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ron Paul Is NOT a 911 Truther!!!

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 22:05:03
User: DavidThePatriot
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Ron Paul's actual views, and why posting 911 truth comments on every Ron Paul video isn't the greatest idea in history...

trck12 ::: Favorites
It would political suicide to go on the record about 911. Its bad enough as it is. Patience America. Take back the white house first. canadiansforronpaul dot com
07-08-28 18:39:36
beckweth ::: Favorites
Agree, I think along these lines also.
07-08-15 20:20:11
decoy26517 ::: Favorites
Good job, A lot of people do not understand what you said.
07-08-13 17:22:37
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
If you think that posting 911 truth videos on Ron Paul's videos is a good way to get him elected, I have to disagree with you. If however you think it's a great way to support your movement alone, then you are correct. Just because you are older does not make you smarter. Ron Paul is the closest thing to a 911 truth candidate, but he has publicly stated he does not believe it's an inside job. There are more hard line Republican delegates that watch Youtube than you think. That was the point...
07-08-10 19:25:33
LibertyStorms ::: Favorites
I Agree. Even if he believed it was an inside job, it would be best to hold that opinion/facts. I would think if elected he would investigate further -quietly. Then BAM! ...justice. The most important thing is preserving liberty and the Constitution.
07-08-10 13:06:11
metroid101 ::: Favorites
im glad you made this video. People(trolls) are in forums trying to smear ROn Paul.
07-08-10 07:28:39
shyoung0801 ::: Favorites
BS They will elect someone who believes it's a conspiracy; nobody is so stupid as to think ONE person hijacked all four planes! (It's humorous which side of the 9/11 issue is confused right down to their language) Second, all the candidates know it was an inside job, but no politician is stupid enough to disrupt the sheeple's fragile beliefs. Surprise! NO serious candidate is running on a truth platform - duh! YOU make it worse by making Paul look like he needs special defense in that area!
07-08-10 04:58:30
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
Making your cause harder maybe, but the only real attack that fox news levees against him is that he has "911 truth connections" Republicans watch fox, and they are the ones who have to elect Ron Paul. These are Ron's truthful positions, so you truthers should back off or back Kucinich... You are not helping...
07-08-10 14:44:32
shyoung0801 ::: Favorites
Making MY case harder? Are you the first person being any evidence of a Bin Laden connection to 9/11? Are your actions going to bring an actual indictment in this case? Of ANYONE!? NO! The only thing you're doing, is acting like Ron Paul has something to defend. Will you please support Romney, attack his bass supporters and invent weaknesses for him? PLEASE!
07-08-10 15:40:50
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
I am not here to promote 911 truth, I'm here to promote the Constitution, same as Ron Paul. I saw 3 interviews in the last week, in Republican forums where this topic was brought up, in a negative light... Hardcore truthers should use their voracious drive to support Ron Paul without alienating voters at the same time with 911 truth comments. Support Ron Paul and 911 truth separately, but linking them together is INACCURATE first and foremost, and simultaneously counterproductive...
07-08-10 17:46:39
shyoung0801 ::: Favorites
Well, you're discussing it - and in a negative light! (?!) I have heard people talking about EVERY Ron Paul position in a negative light - so what? If you don't understand the link between 911 truth and why truthers are a large part of Paul's grass root bass - then that's because you don't understand a LOT of things. Like not understanding that it's bad to suggest a huge portion of your candidates bass is 'negative'.
07-08-10 18:47:45
shyoung0801 ::: Favorites
I have seen more candidates campaigns crumble because their own supporters have a holyer than thou attitude about why the candidate should be supported, than you have been alive to see candidates. Seems to me that last election my candidate's view that the constitution should be obeyed was seen as 'nutty' - so I should have acted like obeying the constitution is bad?
07-08-10 18:54:33
shyoung0801 ::: Favorites
The idea that there should be an actual criminal investigation and an actual grand jury indictment of someone for the biggest crime of the century is no more nutty than the idea the congress should actually declare war. You should SERIOUSLY consider why people would disregard either one of those basic concepts of liberty before running of to kill people - eh?
07-08-10 19:18:07
Patriot2572 ::: Favorites
I believe 9/11 was an inside job. That being said, Ron Paul has said nothing of the like. All he does is support free speech. and is open to questioning authority. Great video.
07-08-09 22:25:21
brutusbrutilda ::: Favorites
Although Ron Paul has not said he believes the government was behind the world trade center attacks, he said he would still be open to an investigation. September 11, 1991 - Bush senior declared a NEW WORLD ORDER. September 11, 2001 - The world trade center was attacked. September 11, 2011, what will happen?
07-08-09 14:49:27
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
I don't know but I think date connection is silly. Not based in any logical deduction.
07-08-10 03:35:08
brutusbrutilda ::: Favorites
Yes it is silly to you and I, but perhaps it isn't silly to the shadow government which is orchestrating the collapse of America's sovereignty. Numbers and patterns are important to them apparently. Or maybe it's just coincidence. The Council of Foreign Relations; The Trilateral Commission; The Bilderberger Group; The Illuminati. There's allot on the Internet about these groups. You can't believe everything that is reported on the Internet, but a whole lot more than on TV.
07-08-10 13:19:15
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
Believe what you want, but you injure Ron Paul each time you try to link him to 911 truth. Some people don't listen... THIS IS NOT A DEBATE...
07-08-10 14:40:31
brutusbrutilda ::: Favorites
I agree, but this is not my intent. Ron Paul will receive Republican nomination if the process is fair! His campaign is on cruise control. His grass roots base is expanding like wild fire. He brings people together from both sides of the political spectrum, united under the cause of restoring liberty and the constitution.
07-08-10 15:17:09
tehbabes ::: Favorites
I believe what is said in the video, but I think the only connection is people seeking truth in Government and Ron Paul supporting that, not specifically the 9/11 stuff. Anyways, I don't think the date connection is silly, if you simply think about it sure it sounds silly, but if you really think about it, if it's all really true, then they could just be using the date connection to leave a trail for people to find and make up these looney "date connection" stories which no one believes..
07-08-27 06:38:34
sandman4224 ::: Favorites
As the two posts above demonstrate,9/11 is still being debated in public opinion. Ron Paul is wise not to bring it up. When more are involved in the debate the tide will swing more toward acceptance of a global conspiracy among the ruling families of the world assisted by factions of many government intelligence agencies including the U.S..
07-08-09 10:27:41
kojirodensetsu ::: Favorites
I don't believe it was an inside job. I've even watched one of the truth videos that claims to be revealing "facts". I felt dumber after watching that movie. They misinterpreted statements, as well as cherrypicked facts. Like they stated that steel can't melt at the temperature of burning jet fuel, but they failed to mention that steel loses 50% of it's strength at a degree LOWER than what jet fuel burns. Oops!
07-08-09 05:52:26
Omgwtfbbqfreedom ::: Favorites
Anyone with conscious thought knows it was a inside job,The only fact that matters on this subject is that Ron Paul is a truth truther! He is without a doubt the only winable candidate that would endorse a independant investigation and let the TRUTH stand on its own. Ron Paul is wise to watch his words at thuis crucial moment in his campaign,if he is president the truth will come out. He knows aswell as the rest of us the truth of 9/11 is how you end the war of terror.
07-08-09 04:26:24
DavidThePatriot ::: Favorites
I'm glad you realize that linking him to 911 truth does not help him...
07-08-09 10:16:12

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