Saturday, August 25, 2007

Steve Munsey Pimping Old Testament Scipture for Money!

Duration: 10:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-11 00:39:04
User: IndependentConserv
:::: Favorites

The Inspiration Network hired Steve Munsey for their fund raiser. He played on more Old Testament scriptures than once could imagine. Telling people they have to give their money "now" in order to get a blessing. He even played on the story of the woman who gave her last meal to Elijah. Comparing giving to the network as giving to a great Old Testament prophet. No mention was made that JESUS who is greater than Elijah did not request a donation before he "blessed" people. Munsey claimed people would get everything from monetary "blessings" to physical healing if they gave "now". He later claims there is a "double portion" to be received "now". I think Munsey should be selling used cars! This is classic Prosperity Gospel games in action.

GREATWHITE2 ::: Favorites
I guess predatory preachers will always walk the face of the earth. And right along side them will be those people who go through life with blinders on. God Bless both of those species. You need all the help you can get.
07-08-21 12:41:56
daafith ::: Favorites
Hilarious. Oh yeah, I feel so urged to give him my money. NOT. If he wants money, he shouldn't abuse God, Jesus or the Bible. Let him get a job. But really, he should refrain himself from spreading this kind of nonsense about God's goodness. Like you can buy God... God loves the cheerful giver, not the tradesman attitude.
07-08-16 15:43:24
GREATWHITE2 ::: Favorites
The bottom line of all of this is so simple: we just don't FOR SURE what happens after our final hearbeat, our last breath, when we "flatline". Our belief in the afterlife is based on faith. No amount of cash given to your chosen cause or person will ensure you everlasting bliss in Heaven. So let's all dance together, let's all make love to the person we love, and let's stop all kinds of hate- life's too damn short. And let's forget about these "jokers" who prey upon us.
07-08-13 17:17:50
1lofob ::: Favorites
GREATWHITE: I know exactly what's going to happen to me when I breath my last. And I know "for sure" because the bible tells me. Doing & being good is wonderful, but without faith in God you just become one of many good people lost for eternity. Why live fruitless?
07-08-14 14:35:57
GREATWHITE2 ::: Favorites
I have the answer to everyone's prayers!! Let us all give straight to the poor and homeless, let's all help each other build churches & schools for the poor, let us all feed the hungry out of our very own kitchens. That way we eliminate the "middle man" (TV preachers, etc.) and anybody else who is possibly preying on our wallets & purses. See, that wasn't so bad, no was it?!
07-08-13 17:06:57
formeyousee ::: Favorites
Rip-off! Only people who don't study the bible fall for it! Hint: Listening to him skip around passages is not studying the bible.
07-08-11 13:50:49
mexton ::: Favorites
If your so bold say it to his face, because everything hes saying is true and if you don't like well f you and you mother too. i go to his church and he ain't afraid to tell it like it is. and whoever said steve munsey is satan greatest servants imma kick your butt myself......stop talking about my pastor like that, thats my hero.
07-08-09 17:55:06
thebibleword ::: Favorites
It is allowed to judge in line with the scripture.. his father is the devil and your blind if u wanna protect this shit
07-08-08 13:19:08
mizntelligent ::: Favorites
No one shall judge anyone even if you think what that person is doing is wrong.God will do that.Especially, if you don't know this man personally, have not sat in one of his services, seen what he does for people around the world, children, and men and women of all ages.I truly believe this man's heart is for God.I hear and see his church services every Sunday and Wednesday.He has teamed up with his father and gone around the world, building schools for those children who don't have education.
07-08-06 12:58:58
mizntelligent ::: Favorites
He also clothes and feeds the hungry, hosts youth conferences to get children of all ages saved, visits and prays for the sick.I can go on and on. Even if he is wrong, whatever happened to praying for people instead of bashing?
07-08-06 13:47:57
daralina123 ::: Favorites
I dont know what to believe ...Ive been brought up listening to these preachers all my life ....i feel connfused and it makes me question christanity as a whole i know there is a god higher than any other but there is more corruption in the church than honest men
07-07-12 17:17:49
1lofob ::: Favorites
DARALINA: I know what you mean, but remember what you see in church is not the standard - God's word is. God didn't call you or me to follow a church, preacher, code, or creed. He called us follow Jesus. Matthew 13 shows us that God will separate the fake from the genuine in the end so don't let anything or anyone separate you from the love of God. Blessings.
07-07-13 08:42:27
servicesource ::: Favorites
Believe what the word of God says in the Bible. A man will lie and in the last days God says there will be false prophets preaching just to get money don't let this affect your faith in God. God will deal with them and you just keep on walking with God.
07-08-02 13:46:36
BiblicalAnswers ::: Favorites
These kinds of preachers aren't the only ones that exist. Look for a good Bible-believing church. And if you don't know how to find one, the Bible gives us a simple way to spot them. Read Matthew 25:31-46 and 1 John 2. A pastor who follows the Bible faithfully will be concerned about the poor, the sick, the hungry. I can testify that they do exist, though they may not be the norm. God bless.
07-08-12 08:03:46
1lofob ::: Favorites
He's telling you to sow seeds (to this ministry) to get your financial miracle. Well, let's apply this same revelation to them when they need money. Don't hold a telethon - just start writing checks to the several churches all across America & wait for the miracle money to fall from the sky. But no, it only works one way - from you to them! Steve Munsey has so many gimmicks: "The Law of 6, The Passover Offering, The Year of the 7. When will believers mature & put this game out of business.
07-07-03 15:29:45
rhs2000us ::: Favorites
Starting at 3:30, is that man commiting idolatry with a map?
07-07-03 00:58:33
GrandDswordD ::: Favorites
Steve Munsey is one of satan's greatest servants.
07-06-30 13:29:24
planetmike ::: Favorites
The gospel of the bling is crap! If someone tells you to give money promising a return and they don't deliver then thats FRAUD!! Stop bastardising the gospel! Where's the message of salvation thats not diluted??
07-06-19 23:29:40
1lofob ::: Favorites
Someone please tell the saints all 66 books of the bible are completed and you don't need TBN superstars prophecying to you all the time. Turn this mess off and make private time for the Word of God. You'll see a big difference between church in the scriptures and this TBN stuff.
07-06-14 20:06:22
rumBoiSask ::: Favorites
Who the hell sends their money to this guy, how stupid do you have to be. "The lord spoke to me, send me your money" hahaha Go to casino, at least you have a chance.
07-06-10 20:02:31

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