Thursday, August 23, 2007

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 08-09-2007

Duration: 03:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-09 23:29:58
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites


JohnBach ::: Favorites
I love your witty sarcasm :)
07-08-10 03:49:31
bubbasqueen ::: Favorites
I just discovered your commentary today. I'll be looking in every day for my daily laugh. Thanks
07-08-10 06:08:04
Milt0nBradley ::: Favorites
I too found you videos this morning. They are very interesting and your adorable. Thanks for the post.
07-08-10 08:05:01
norton95 ::: Favorites
Brigitte, you're the best. I love your humor and editing.
07-08-10 09:38:29
acuseme ::: Favorites
you aRe only second because i decided secoNd was worthLess.
07-08-10 12:15:10
joen0411 ::: Favorites
One mans worthless trash is another mans only joy in life. I know, I'm pathetic.
07-08-10 19:07:42
JohnBach ::: Favorites
Brigitte, witty and, as always, totally sexy. :)
07-08-11 03:14:39
chriswalch3d ::: Favorites
Futile she says! LOL God I love this girl! ;)
07-08-14 11:05:17
mrfutz ::: Favorites
That line about "marrying yourself into that" - hahahaha, good stuff :)
07-08-22 08:47:54
terradise1 ::: Favorites
lol i wanna marry me into that LMAO
07-08-22 13:05:04

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