Sunday, September 2, 2007

T-Dub's 1st Annual PRANK CALL!!

Duration: 09:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-23 06:54:58
User: TdashDUB
:::: Favorites

Watch as an innocent prank call turns DEADLY as the twist ends up crossing lines - revealing deep personal hatred!!! =-0 ....ALL WHILE LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF!! **NOTE** this was never ment to single out an entire race or assume that all persians are the same..sorry if anyone is offended in any sort of way

hugguhead ::: Favorites
umm... this is obviously staged... because no persian person would pronounce their own daughter's name incorrectly, since its pronounced SOW-nya... so this is obviously trying to spread a public image that persians are unreasonably racist against jewish people... for no reason. wow.
07-09-01 23:18:50
docd1o1 ::: Favorites
he is so hot. i want him! someone find me him!
07-09-01 22:15:23
jeffbob2002 ::: Favorites
"Love ya babe"!
07-09-01 10:19:51
MaryGrace73 ::: Favorites
hahahhaha thats so funny!
07-09-01 09:16:17
chefgrad ::: Favorites
I'm can't believe she tried to use the fact that she's persian, as way to validate her jew hating! I mean I'm persian, and I hate jews to, but that's besides the point... :P no... I am just jorrrking, but you got awesomne calls man. Verdy awesome
07-09-01 03:29:13
mae72001 ::: Favorites
WOW her mom openly said that...thats balls
07-08-31 22:59:15
redhedfreak123 ::: Favorites
hahahahaha 'i like cornbread.' woah....those people are so RACIST! makes me mad for people to be so ridiculous..
07-08-29 19:16:23
redhedfreak123 ::: Favorites
hahahaha 'it comes from grain.' 'breadsticks! we are going to have LOTS OF BREADSTICKS!'
07-08-29 19:11:24
CoD3sniperking ::: Favorites
ur a retard how is he rescists?
07-08-03 22:45:56
ivana331 ::: Favorites
that woman and her family shouldn't even be living in the U.S. it's the worst place for someone who hates other cultures!!!
07-07-27 02:14:02

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