Tuesday, October 9, 2007

arab jackass

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-06 17:31:57
User: haash
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arab jackass


syrianchick77 ::: Favorites
this shit is hilarious! i love it :)
07-10-09 00:26:06
HinduMan786 ::: Favorites
Satan? Shiva (means "The Benevolent One") is the most ancient God, among those worshiped and not worshiped any longer. Archaeology proves this. Lord Shiva is a more kind God than Yahweh. Read our Scriptures, then read your OT. Shiva never commanded mass killings because morons blasphemed Him, while your Yahweh did. A couple of boys called Elijah "bald" and your god Yahweh called bears on them and killed the boys. Where in our scriptures did Shiva do this?
07-10-09 00:01:41
shekharf284 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try GREATTIMEZ DOT COM for beautiful girls -shekharf284
07-10-08 21:12:37
Southboy239 ::: Favorites
yall religions funny as fuck!lolz!hare krishna lolz ou actually speaking to satan!lolz
07-10-08 18:06:28
youngstunna244 ::: Favorites
lmfao r u on crack
07-10-07 22:35:40
J1O2S3H4000 ::: Favorites
dude that was fuckin funny just the camrea aint tht great 5 stars . check out my jackass videos plz
07-10-07 22:25:57
liltanyaa ::: Favorites
Arabs are the funniest hehehehhehe :D
07-10-07 22:03:57
118ha ::: Favorites
lolololol! this thing saying arabs are stupid are a bit racist! but they are funny.
07-10-07 07:48:40
swatzz ::: Favorites
ok continue flying see you at other side... hare krishna gita bhagavad rama hare blabla meow moooo ?½$#$½#$#..
07-10-06 20:46:24
HinduMan786 ::: Favorites
Shows how much you know. I am ordered by the Supreme and Only God, Krishna in Bhagavad Gita 18.67 to not preach to those with the tamasika guna (ignorant nature). So I won't even bother trying to "answer" your ignorance. You'll see once you die, hopefully. Just chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare and it'll become clear the grievances you have committed by that one comment alone.
07-10-06 15:46:38

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