Friday, October 19, 2007

Metal vs. False metal...and your point would be?

Duration: 07:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-11 22:17:51
User: Nekron19
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This is a video response to all metal vs. not/false metal videos. If you have not watched any of these, please do so before watching this one. And if you made one, you must watch this immediately! Also, I don't know what happened to the sound quality during disturbed, its really quiet from some reason, so you might need to turn it up.


Nekron19 ::: Favorites
well, I know for sure that there are some that hate it for no other reason other than that they think it's cool to hate it. But there are those that have legitimate reasons and can explain why they hate it w/o being childish, and those are the people I want to leave comments here, and so far, it's only been those ppl that have, thank God.
07-10-18 17:54:14
Nekron19 ::: Favorites
And listening to bands like Iced Earth and Lost Horizon really helped me in believing that I shouldn't follow trends and believe and say and like what I want, and not be a subject to someone else's views, regardless of the consequences. If I'm gonna hate or like something, it'll be my decision, I'm not gonna do it just because everyone else does.
07-10-18 17:44:47
Nekron19 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I knew this video could potentially get me into trouble, but it was something that had to be done. I was listening to nu metal and rock for two or three years b4 i got into metal, so of course I'm gonna like it. I personally see the hatred of nu metal as sort of a jump-on-the-bandwagon sort of an ordeal, "metalheads" just hate it because they think it's what they're supposed to do.
07-10-18 17:39:16
Nekron19 ::: Favorites
and I know who godsmack is, I've heard them on the radio quite bit, and they have some cool songs, I just don't have any of their cds, and i don't download music, so I couldn't put them on here.
07-10-18 17:35:46
Nekron19 ::: Favorites
yeah, i'm surprised no one has given me crap either, i don't think there are that many ppl that have seen this yet, that # of views is mostly from the conversations between me and the others who have seen it. But there's gonna be someone eventually, and like i said in the video, i won't even bother with them, i'll just not respond to it or delete the comment.
07-10-18 17:33:48
JanoElBozo ::: Favorites
Btw - a bitsy bit of ass-kissery: Defending Nu-Metal... That's gutsy, i'm astonished (again ;)). Most of people simply rag on it, because they're afraid to speak they're mind. You're a metalhead, no doubt about that ;)
07-10-18 16:28:52
JanoElBozo ::: Favorites
Heh, i'm astonished that you managed to keep comments in your video free from all of crap ;) Anyways, i wanted to ask you, if you didn't put here Godsmack on purpose, or do you don't know the band? Personally, i'd be considered a metal purist, but Godsmack is my fave in Nu-Metal category. Smart songs, cool riffs, and unconventional ways to create music... Not to mention that they actually have cool solos ;)
07-10-18 16:28:24
Nekron19 ::: Favorites
yeah dude, the whole part of this video that talks about nu metal is defending it, those bands in that section are nu metal bands that I like, and have all or a lot of each band's CDs. IDK where you got the idea that I hate nu metal from....that's not even implied here anywhere.
07-10-17 18:49:47
Nekron19 ::: Favorites
i dont hate nu metal, i like it. I just dont like slipknot. If you notice, I said I used bands that i listen to and like to make my nu metal section.
07-10-17 13:08:38
slipknotmetal07 ::: Favorites
if you hate nu metal why did you put korn on your list
07-10-16 23:20:04

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