Saturday, October 13, 2007

Smallville s07e03 Fierce Part 4

Duration: 10:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-12 03:06:19
User: kingsnake10
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Smallville s07e03 Fierce


DC124 ::: Favorites
Thanks for the episode this was awesome
07-10-13 05:08:40
DominationVideos ::: Favorites
i wish they'd use tom welling for the upcoming justice league movie...
07-10-13 05:08:18
powwow23 ::: Favorites
lmao damn she knock both them bitchs out lol.
07-10-13 05:02:12
TacticusPrime ::: Favorites
superman can't spend his life with a human. he can only spend their life with them. best case scenario would be to live with them till they grow old and pass on. after that he'll have to find someone new, or just be alone. Now THAT would make for an interesting comic book series, what will superman do after lois' death?
07-10-13 04:07:59
DominationVideos ::: Favorites
ehh if you read the comic, he ages normally like the others. the future superman died shortly after lois lane. i believe the current superman can do the same
07-10-13 05:07:16
gemini33025 ::: Favorites
i agree. that would be something worth reading
07-10-13 05:13:41
SPhillyCLF ::: Favorites
omg kara! shutup! stop being a damper on clark and lana! he and lana can grow old together if thats wat they both want..she needs to stop puttin doubt in clarks head..yea clark is not human and wont die a natural death but he can spend his life wit someone: LANA!
07-10-13 03:23:56
DominationVideos ::: Favorites
lol but he marries lois..
07-10-13 05:07:59
tmcarlee ::: Favorites
I doubt the show will get cancelled either. I mean, the first three seasons were terrible, and they held on tight. It actually made me wonder how shows like "Studio 60", "The Black Donnellys" and "Firefly" got cancelled so quickly, when their first half a season, was ten times better than the first three seasons of Smallville. But this show was majorly improved now, and it can only get better.
07-10-13 02:20:31
nunofyourfukinbusnes ::: Favorites
yeah the show sucks seriously so much promise and so much waste poor actors
07-10-12 22:06:24

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