Monday, July 30, 2007

Iran's cosmetic craze - 25 July 07

Duration: 139 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 12:58:55
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

A crackdown on western influences in fashion may make you think Iran is an unlikely hotspot for cosmetic surgery. Record numbers of people are going under the knife in Tehran to get that perfect nose. Ali Reza Ronaghi reports.

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stlatl22 ::: Favorites
No way to what?
07-07-27 16:00:05
stlatl22 ::: Favorites
What gives you the impression they're trying to look white. Beauty is in all ethnic groups. Smaller noses are shown in people from different nationalities, not solely from one specific one.
07-07-27 16:03:55
mo0417 ::: Favorites
you gotta be is well known the most white people have slimer noses. and the fact that all the pictures they were showing were of white peolpe. so if that is not prove enough then you must be blind........your white aren't you so you prolly wouldn't understand.
07-07-27 17:03:53
kellog1 ::: Favorites
east or west...India is the best (except for the proverty).
07-07-27 22:53:16
kellog1 ::: Favorites
"can be arrested for showing off their beauty" you wounldnt mind me looking at you sister naked?
07-07-27 22:56:01
asdffd ::: Favorites
Interesting mindset- equating someone who doesn't conform to YOUR idea of modesty to being naked. And what's wrong with being naked? The world would be a lot better off if everyone was naked. In fact, the world would be much better off if people weren't divided up by religion.
07-07-28 09:11:32
blackfootnawaho ::: Favorites
07-07-28 11:41:25
stlatl22 ::: Favorites
mo0417:"Most white people have slimer noses". Where do you get that "fact" from? In Hollywood theres people from all kinds of colors! I don't like to be labeled, therefore I have no need to say the color of my skin.
07-07-28 14:47:12
stlatl22 ::: Favorites
Having tanned skin color is widespread/popular in Hollywood and the rest of the country. How is that your so called white supremacy?
07-07-28 14:49:07
BilalDavis ::: Favorites
Trying to get a nose like Europeans? Authu Billah! This is changing the natural disposition, majorly!
07-07-29 13:14:18

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