Monday, July 30, 2007

SNL: TV Funhouse Torboto

Duration: 219 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-22 04:25:27
User: NBC
:::: Favorites

Torboto is the government's new secret weapon on terror.

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lucaswatson ::: Favorites
you know wha ti i don'tt get why the government don't take it the f off the internet all this crap?
07-07-22 18:28:45
goddamnitjesuschrist ::: Favorites
That's why Americans grow up fuckedup
07-07-23 16:15:31
BackgroundBailey ::: Favorites
It's called Freedom of Speech. They can't touch this.
07-07-23 16:31:40
SexyandBrown ::: Favorites
That is fuck up seriously! But I can see a few Americans thinking of this. I mean America can be a bully sometimes...we do being some devious shit...but you try something toward us and we fuck you real quick! Do something on wednesday night,we knocking ya ass out by thursday morning.
07-07-23 17:40:09
SexyandBrown ::: Favorites
You notice I didn't say nothing about Dick Cheney. He might shoot me in my face! I'm not getting shot! I know he is dangerous regardless of the 5 heartattacks
07-07-23 17:44:41
Jasonian77 ::: Favorites
Ha. Fox News Kids. Wouldn't be surprised if it's actually in the works...
07-07-25 09:19:47
kungfu2u2 ::: Favorites
Torture's also unconstitutional; the state can't deprive anyone of life or liberty without due legal process, and it can't subject anyone to cruel or unusual punishment afterward. The government is out of control.
07-07-27 00:35:19
sledgehammerwarrior ::: Favorites
You Americans make me sick.
07-07-27 14:12:43
papasuito ::: Favorites
i totally agree!! i hope god comes down and smites all u sick muther fuckers who even think that those ppl deserve that kind of treatment
07-07-27 23:44:49
papasuito ::: Favorites
wat the fuck u got against australians bitch?? its people like u who make this world so fucked up. when god returns to earth to pick the good and evil i hope u r ready to get down on your knees and beg for forgivness!!
07-07-27 23:55:57

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