Monday, August 27, 2007

America's Army Gamer Ad

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-05 19:30:28
User: joystiq
:::: Favorites

From The United States Army tells gamers to "take it to the next level" with military service.

TauHecht ::: Favorites
Wow. Just...just wow.
07-08-08 17:35:41
BolterBolter ::: Favorites
You think your gas prices are bad? We're paying $1.20 per litre... It's expected to hit $1.50 in late summer. That's $6.00 per gallon.
07-07-21 21:42:35
theblackparadedotnet ::: Favorites
That's fucking lame.
07-07-10 14:21:54
airsoftmp5a4 ::: Favorites
compare our gas prices to other countries such as those in europe. Gas here in the U.S. is cheap. Maybe if people would stop driving around there big 10 miles to the gallon trucks and hummers. Bush originaly said that we were going to war cause He said they had weapons of mass destruction and we never found any. Now he makes up other reasons. He never mentioned those reasons as aour cause to enter Iraq before the war. Bush should be considered a war criminal.
07-06-27 10:44:51
airsoftmp5a4 ::: Favorites
If you join the army your fighting for nothing. The whole thing about fighting for your country, and freedom is all bullshit to get you in the army and fight for oil. Afghanistan is a different story because were there to fight to destroy the taliban and such but most likely your gonna go to iraq. Most people think war is a nice little game of shoot the iraqi as displayed in the ad. Why don't they show the part where the u.s. soldier gets killed, blown to pieces, or losing his limbs.
07-06-17 18:08:23
bryon17 ::: Favorites
if were fighting and killign for oil why are our gas prices over $3.00 causing familys to have to cutback on alot of stuff
07-06-25 06:12:08
shadowy111 ::: Favorites
That is disgusting
07-05-08 00:57:19
SargentCaboose ::: Favorites
Is that the new gimmick? join the army its like a game?lol
07-05-06 02:09:58
AsianBorat ::: Favorites
Really, Really, good graphics. :D
07-05-03 20:11:09
embroisured ::: Favorites
That IS your profession.
07-05-03 18:30:27
AsianBorat ::: Favorites
I meant that if you were really meant for something else, then you're screwed if you join the Army, because they force you to stay. My other comment was kindof confusing.
07-05-03 20:10:09
billyx3hk ::: Favorites
07-05-01 20:10:24
smokeyust ::: Favorites
Remember we (the Army) don't get to make choices, politicians do.
07-04-28 01:43:20
aimhigh2k2 ::: Favorites
Most people in the military don't deploy within their first enlistment. Besides, there are more deaths in the country than in a deployed place anyway. You liberals are just too wussy to fight, so don't be jealous now.
07-04-22 03:12:41
RayZR ::: Favorites
That's probably because you're comparing over 29 million people in the United States verses something like 120 thousand people in the US army in Iraq right now. Doesn't mean it's safer in Iraq.
07-04-25 07:21:16
bryon17 ::: Favorites
well said man well said
07-06-25 06:13:01
sergiozc ::: Favorites
the game is awsome and explosives but that is pretty bad goin to war for rich people and bush and killing others now thats messed up but u do defend freedom and u see wat ur made of
07-04-19 22:02:55
yedrellow ::: Favorites
I prefer being able to respawn thankyou.
07-04-13 07:38:34
lollars2 ::: Favorites
07-04-19 06:08:08
Gmanvr3 ::: Favorites
I've played America's Amry and im quite bad at it so I won't join the army yet. But whose to say I actully have to shoot people.
07-04-12 13:10:54

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