Monday, August 27, 2007

死神的判決 (交通宣導短片).

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-10 06:21:20
User: namewee
:::: Favorites

死神的判決 (交通宣導短片)

ashilhotmommafc ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-22 18:33:45
kimkim060606 ::: Favorites
Ketakutan EXTRIM yg menghantui pemimpin UMNO atas akan hilangnya kekuasaan politik menyusul kemenangan besar yg dicapai pembangkang pada pilihanraya 513 memaksa kaum pemimpin UMNO merancangkan kekacauan di masyarakat dan memaksakan Hak2 Keistimewaan Melayu yg membengkak utk menarik sokongan dari kaum Melayu utk melanjutkan nyawa politiknya. TAKUT KALAH, SI PENGECUT, MEMAIN ISU PERKAUMAN utk bertahan hidup, itulah kaum org UMNO, memang tidak berguna SEPERTI TAHI.
07-08-22 11:25:56
windycity88 ::: Favorites
can someone explain to me, for example, is this a real TV advertisment? is it produced by Namewee? thanks.
07-08-20 09:02:20
Muarchineseboy ::: Favorites
yalo make the malaysia 1 la... c government will thank you back la...that time they sure nothing to say...
07-08-07 01:50:11
janice1219 ::: Favorites
umm... imitating the manga/movie/anime of 'Death Note'?
07-08-03 08:40:40
arikuto ::: Favorites
wow..nice 1..
07-07-20 23:23:38
yeo94 ::: Favorites
good...make a malaysia wan la....wee okie???haha
07-07-20 23:06:19
kukumalu123 ::: Favorites
very nice... LOL
07-07-17 12:38:18
eugene9926 ::: Favorites
hey.... this advertisement really have a strong convinction of the message... you did a good job mar... achive the ad obj, select right music and at nite....
07-07-14 11:20:21

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