Sunday, August 12, 2007

Area 51 Worker Attacked By Aliens

Duration: 395 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-02 10:51:42
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

This was about a moment in the life of Billy Schneider. Billy built secret underground tunnels for the Aliens; whom eventually turned on him. To learn about the Aliens flying these UFOS, what they look like and where they were examined start here: To hear The scientific Analysis of UFO's start here: To hear over 300 government witnesses with security clearances, high ranking inside military officers, Radar operators come forward before a national press conference to prove that UFOS are real go here: To hear the most revealing secrets of UFOS The Coverup and The First encounter with ETS go here: To see One Of The Most Convincing Flying Saucers Ever Filmed Go Here:

RobotChikkin ::: Favorites
If I recall correctly, this man was killed not long after this.
07-06-29 12:55:00
RobotChikkin ::: Favorites
A cell 1979?? Listen, he says this happened in 1979.
07-06-29 13:00:43
giantcandy ::: Favorites
that's why I said "now if he only" but even ufo's now aday's ppl never get good footage of ufo's, well. when they start making HD video cell phones, then we might see some good evidence.
07-06-30 00:10:59
RobotChikkin ::: Favorites
Yeah I see where your going.
07-06-30 07:15:17
1234share7 ::: Favorites
was this man really killed find out for me
07-07-09 11:12:10
aceBryan7ox ::: Favorites
do a google search
07-07-09 11:13:25
BLOOD1MONEY ::: Favorites
yea he is dead like jfk look for him on goole "area 51 billy scnifer or what ever"
07-07-10 01:26:41
HardHouse3311 ::: Favorites
In May, 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered. Seven months later he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had previously worked. This man's final acts should not go unnoticed.
07-07-11 08:39:52
varsityeagle89 ::: Favorites
Have u guys seen photos of his stomach when he was talking about the beam that hit him..I feel sorry for the guy..REST IN PEACE PHIL
07-07-16 22:36:20
kwakkernoot ::: Favorites
i believe this guy he is the 1 i believe the most look at his fingens those look like they we taken off in a circular shap and what shape have beams u get it
07-07-28 13:57:02

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