Sunday, August 12, 2007

VENT Iraq's Army: Bad News, Good News

Duration: 250 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-17 20:46:05
User: michellemalkin
:::: Favorites

Hot Air looks at the good and the bad news as the Iraqi army gets training to take over security across the country.

dentistsugardusty ::: Favorites
after all the devious meandering of politics, you'd think a journalist would come to the conclusion that even they don't have the facts. what the hell are they running on? it's the paycheck, because you'd have to be totally immobilized in the mind to continue to think or believe that you are getting exclusives and thereby labeling them as "facts". cynthia Mckinney needs to slap a lot more officers around, because their mothers didn't know how. strive to make sense.
07-07-09 12:04:58
valkazm ::: Favorites
i hate this bitch she is so stupid ..
07-07-10 12:48:38
saltsoda ::: Favorites
i bet you read all of these comments. i saw a clip of you today where you said that you "don't spend much time in those cesspools" in reference to people who discuss possible questions surrounding the 9.11 attacks. only an ignorant hate-filled person would refer to a discussion of ideas and an ideology as a cesspool.
07-07-13 07:16:32
OneLineNowMan ::: Favorites
Ms. Malkin should take a ride down that road.
07-07-14 06:58:56
silkmoney ::: Favorites
AHH yes sweet little Michelle Malkin.....the conservatives favorite media whore outside of Mann Coulter lol.
07-07-16 12:19:03
harbing3r ::: Favorites
Its trisha takanawa!! From family guy, I suppose being told she's full of hotair, she came up with the idea. I bet those soliders she was talking to, had thier wallets out after the taping... Would explain that thing in her hair.
07-07-23 03:27:43
badmudda ::: Favorites
hey a road doesnt have as much road side bombs as it did,this proves were winning,we must stay the coarse no matter how many innocent civilians are killed,or how many more kids we have to send to the desert to die,or know matter how much more money we need to put into it that we could be using for the people of the united states
07-07-24 17:21:47
sitali ::: Favorites
god i hate this chink whore
07-07-25 19:58:26
bookhound63 ::: Favorites
I can't believe all the hateful comments these videos get. I guess some people can't handle the truth. People call US intolerant, and then they resort to racial slurs and name calling, very adult of you. What are you 15, or just a stinking Radical Islamist?
07-07-29 19:16:24
y2knoproblem ::: Favorites
want to see the real good news in Iraq? Visit y2knoproblem channel.
07-08-06 23:24:38

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