Friday, August 17, 2007

C-SPAN Attacked by Right Wing Radio Listeners Part 1

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 12:51:39
User: heathr234
:::: Favorites

Michael Weiner "Savage" attacks C-SPAN for not airing his DVD he sent them when there was no live coverage by the C-SPAN cameras of the event which is their practice. Brian Lamb responds to the emails sent to him by Savage's crazy listeners who he riled up.

S1Genocide ::: Favorites
fuck savage and his followers
07-06-16 16:06:46
skoupitsa ::: Favorites
Was that first guy really a colonel? Oh dear, the US military must be in worse shape than I thought.
07-06-16 23:38:50
Blissinflux ::: Favorites
Brian Lamb is a conservative and the head of Washington Journal, but Weiner's puppets can't even spell C-SPAN so I am not surprised that they were unaware of this fact.
07-06-19 21:27:40
stormchaser1011 ::: Favorites
Down with free speec. Bring back the fairness docturine. Tell me what I should think, say write. That is why I live in the US. To be free. You brainwashed liberals silence free speech that doen't agree with your agenda.
07-06-19 23:44:16
vuetube ::: Favorites
Thanks! Attacked< If cspan missed even a second of the latest parade of America/White/Straight/Family/Christian-hating Red Anarchists, dumpsters would be set afire, police cars would be overturned and there would be rioting and looting in the streets. Give us a break.
07-06-24 12:50:27
cowbot2 ::: Favorites
Why should CSPAN be required to carry a speech by some pundit? This whole thing is just silly. Maybe i'm not understanding this. Or maybe Savage fans are just rabid.
07-06-25 12:50:02
clyde815 ::: Favorites
I love how he reads the letters out loud!!! Its as if he's saying to the haters: "YOU WANT FREESPEECH?? Alright, let me read outloud how much of an ass you sound like in your email!!!"
07-07-07 03:13:24
padude647 ::: Favorites
Savage is a big dickhead just like his bigot followers!
07-07-26 19:25:25
UnklRudi ::: Favorites
I think it is great when right wingers do stuff like this. They do much more to send reasonable conservatives leftward than any of us could ever manage. Thanks.
07-07-27 14:09:43
karbyk62 ::: Favorites
brian lamb is a dickhead. just like his stalinist puppet masters in the media. what a joke. i stopped watching c-span years ago. they can show fags and lesbian love fests, but if you tell the truth they cut you off. bullshit....
07-08-11 12:01:08

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