Saturday, August 11, 2007

TheFriendlyGeek's "Hard Evidence" Revealed

Duration: 124 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-03 15:03:20
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites
Description: HARD EVIDENCE? Are you shitting me? AntaresInScorpius, I will take my apology now. A NEW THREAT FROM TFG - "You are not safe":

baggyscrotum ::: Favorites
i was beginning to think you were taking yourself and youtube too seriously, then i noticed your hair and realised that your videos have a comedy value :)
07-06-05 13:29:09
dotcommillionaire ::: Favorites
Do you have a career? You post so many vids I wonder. Also, what do you think of the Hitchens vs. hitchesn artcile in the 6/2 issue of the Daily Mail?
07-06-05 14:06:17
boscoruby ::: Favorites
Thefriendlygeek is a cheesy little richboy Spaniard spending his Franco-era fascist parents' money in Asia and who spends all of his time on the internet because people in the real world think he's an asswipe.
07-06-05 15:29:22
JoesRambles ::: Favorites
Does everyone on YT whine?
07-06-06 00:50:57
shandling ::: Favorites
Mr.Geek likes negative attention, it's the only kind he gets, hes addicted to it. But he is also mentally ill, all the abuse he says to people, he is talking to himself, its a weird theraputic feeling for him. He lives in dreamland where nothing can affect him, he is psychotic and void of any rationality or general conscientious normal people share. He is scrolling through all these comments getting his social fix as we speak.
07-06-06 17:53:26
Therion131 ::: Favorites
Can I ask you this and dont take it the wrong way, but doesnt the act of cutting off your beard take away your superhuman strength?
07-06-06 22:34:41
demonique666 ::: Favorites
Good going, the only reason *I* made a video attacking tfg was because my friend requested it and thought it'd be funny since I was asian. But I was forced to make another video about tfg since "peroxide"kitty made a shitass parody of me.
07-06-08 18:42:15
boomya555 ::: Favorites
youtube is like a microcosm of the world, strange huh?.
07-06-09 11:36:10
CptWarp ::: Favorites
God, you guys are like kids with big egos. Can't you just shut up and ignore "trolls"? Clowns...
07-06-24 07:03:18
JamesSteal ::: Favorites
oh noes, dramafest
07-07-02 13:08:08

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