Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 08:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-22 23:33:36
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GoddaCreate ::: Favorites
Some recent comment "Bush is winning the war". Bush is winning nothing but running America into the ground. Any one for Bush in the second term is a comi' and a Iraq is not tied to 911 attack. All for Bush less than 26% are NWO traitors, the Irish Civil War executed 77 Repulicans as traitors, we soon will do the same. SMILE
07-08-05 23:13:55
stealthwalnut ::: Favorites
Bush is winning the war and the dems are pissed off. They wanted our troops to loose. Feingold= a terrorists best friend.
07-08-04 23:28:04
stealthwalnut ::: Favorites
The terrorist love Feingold. He's a do nothing pussy. Biggest cry baby in the senate. How this terrorist sympathizer got into any office is way beyond me. I shook his hand about ten years ago. Mr limp wrist. It was like shaking the hand of a twelve year old girl.
07-08-04 23:26:04
GoddaCreate ::: Favorites
This true representative, Sen. Russ Feingold on Sunday wanted Congress to censure President Bush for management of the Iraq war and his "assault" against the Constitution. Feingold has tried to get this done in 2006 but FEAR fell on Dems when their name would go on a list to Bush. Civil war is coming in this country. NWO teams will be shot.
07-07-26 02:26:47
patsagainstrats ::: Favorites
Moved to your dream commune in San Francisco, eh? I hope you get the E-Coli when your old lady, "Mountain Mother," wipes her fat crack on your sandwich lettuce. ROTFLMFAO!
07-07-24 23:15:27
Hopeful71 ::: Favorites
In my 15 years of voting in national elections my vote for Feingold in '92 is the one vote that I have always been proud and confident in. A rare politician that is actually interested in governing instead of power. I wish I still lived in WI to vote for him again and again. It is a shame so much of his time has to be spent "policing" the White House instead of working on more proactive issues.
07-07-24 16:09:08
DukeBuzzy ::: Favorites
Funny thing is, Feingold is talking about the steps taken to get censuring JUST TWO politicians, and it's already taken so long. I like the fact that a serving politician is finally pointing out, by way of public record, that the current president and vice president are CRIMINALS. I won't be satisfied until these clowns are publicly humiliated and see some jail time.
07-07-24 03:23:17
lewti27 ::: Favorites
I say get rid of most of these idiot politicians. They are all braindead. We have no democracy this is a mass of idiots in control. They don't know how to punish someone or attempt to unless they get head in the White house. Clinton is a puppet to so don't get me wrong but what is worse, US soldiers dead, Iraqi civilians dead, countries in disaray. LIES LIES LIES. Who was the worse offense common people think intelligently.
07-07-24 00:45:53
LayneRoxxx ::: Favorites
THis man must have been listening to Ron Paul. Very good.
07-07-23 20:38:32
JixMa ::: Favorites
Then the American political system is BROKEN and ought to be overhauled! How the bloody hell, can a criminal be THIS untouchable -- even by the majority party in power -- if his cronie politicians in Congress, refuse to indict him? Unbefuckinglievable!
07-07-23 16:43:23

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