Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 09:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 09:34:00
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katanaking007 ::: Favorites
More interesting, try to find out why he left.
07-08-11 02:14:31
coloursepia ::: Favorites
can't remember, but I try not to watch this guy, he's not my cup o jo ;) I do find him more offensive and a lot less intelligent than imus. Seems like MSNBC is just dumbing down their mornings now. How did he ever make it to Congress? Connections?
07-07-17 03:07:40
DamNationDiplomat ::: Favorites
I think he's either a sexist or a pervert by the way he talks to and about different women on several occasions. Did you see the vid a week or so ago where he messed with the weather girl?
07-07-17 02:37:08
MikeNobodyIsHere ::: Favorites
Kucinich '08
07-07-16 23:30:19
awksedgreep ::: Favorites
Dying? You mean dead don't you? Ron Paul must win in '08
07-07-16 22:24:02
Hopeful71 ::: Favorites
But I stil appreciate all your postings Cspan junkie :)
07-07-16 20:20:31
Hopeful71 ::: Favorites
But most of what you see on Youtube is recycled video from the major networks. Journalism is dying if not completely in a persistent vegetative state. The internet has some promise but no one has yet to create a solid journalistic network on the internet unencumbered by money and profit.
07-07-16 20:19:35
Waage83 ::: Favorites
Not only Youtube, but the internet in genral. You want to know something Broad you Google. You need to know something Specific you wiki it.
07-07-16 19:13:43
coloursepia ::: Favorites
the important stuff was at the end and he decides to rant on about Katie and CBS news? Just how dumb is this guy?
07-07-16 18:03:02
DamNationDiplomat ::: Favorites
...yeah, they've got a really busy DP, i think he/she needs to get out of the news biz and plan camera moves for spaceship battles or swashbucklers...
07-07-16 17:16:22

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