Sunday, August 5, 2007

BORING VIDEO just to say hi. Will make a better one tomorrow

Duration: 172 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-15 13:46:49
User: communitychannel
:::: Favorites

sorry this is so crap. i didn't have time to make a proper video but i thought i should say hi so you guys know i wasn't attacked by a bogan or a bogan fan or anything. yeah yeah i know bad joke. Sorry. Thanks to ChannelReviews by the way for that review.. i was scared they were going to slaughter me in that review to be honest.. Anyhoots, thanks to all the ppl who posted video responses, i'll get in a housekeeping vid this week too (and now i'll shout a lonely 'yay') Yes i know i suck... i'm sorry guys!

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heal0111 ::: Favorites
wow that was 2:52 sec of my life I'll never get back, but hey it was me who clicked on the icon so yea, goodbye
07-07-14 18:40:12
herychang ::: Favorites
EVERYONE LOVES YOU!!! those people who say that you're stupid.. they;re wrong.. you're really funny..
07-07-23 13:11:18
SpaceAgeDiaper ::: Favorites
And again... You have got to absolutely love people like this. Just say it was bad ad it was something that didn't poke my interests.
07-07-23 22:14:34
FireStormBaller ::: Favorites
hey natalie. your cool nigga. whoever misses with you, just give me a call and I got your back homegirl. ;p
07-07-23 22:24:27
Gautyfrus ::: Favorites
The video is not boring at all, it's hilarious. You have people to take care of your messages, that;s cool. Any why would you get hate-mail, jeez people are weird. Hhmmm, btw the thing you refered to as cool, we call it pimpin. Anyway I'm going to check out the rest of your videos. Have fun makin em. :-)
07-07-29 21:29:49
mrsshneebly ::: Favorites
shut da up gook
07-07-31 18:19:24
redskittles34 ::: Favorites
you're sooo funny and im a huge fan! can i have your email address?
07-08-01 14:24:20
Zabaska ::: Favorites
hi, I hope you dont get raped
07-08-02 02:13:08
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07-08-03 17:25:24
scm1975cai426 ::: Favorites
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07-08-04 01:58:39

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