Sunday, August 5, 2007

Gov. Romney: Clinton Couldn't Even Get Elected In France

Duration: 34 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-02 10:47:02
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Gov. Romney: Clinton Couldn't Even Get Elected In France. Iowa Christian Alliance Forum.

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metalheadlatino ::: Favorites
so what? clinton is doing better than will vote for clinton? floow the principles not the the way there is no diferent between clinton and romney,oh at least clinton is more honest than RINO romney
07-07-19 21:39:39
red5llaw ::: Favorites
Clinton Honest? You really ARE an IDIOT. Go ahead Vote for her. Hunter is dead in the water. So go vote for Socialism & Corruption.
07-07-19 21:49:21
metalheadlatino ::: Favorites
she at least say that she support abortion all this years she is not lying is true but mit"fli flopper"romney? he is for abortion what a liar,socialism? ohh look at mitt romney health care plan hahahaha you are a dumb... Duncan Hunter for president a TRUE conservative not a wannabe one
07-07-19 21:58:28
red5llaw ::: Favorites
metalhead....Bahahahahaaha please metal, you are cracking me up! You are SOoooo Funny. BE REAL. Duncan Hunter Doesn't a have a Hope of even making it to the SECOND TIER. He's a joke. A Tired one at that.
07-07-19 22:06:18
red5llaw ::: Favorites
So are you Metaldeadhead.
07-07-19 22:06:45
metalheadlatino ::: Favorites
you are a sorry joke red5llaw a MORMON will never be president NEVER you silly neo-con
07-07-20 00:25:43
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 01:43:46
red5llaw ::: Favorites
Cool, Mentalheadlastico - Whatever. You even threw in the buzzword "neo-con". You ARE Totally Clueless.
07-07-20 05:46:10
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 16:09:20
plc1 ::: Favorites
Romney vs. Ron Paul on Youtube: youtube . com/watch?v=V3Hah8jx-Vo
07-07-29 23:15:04

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