Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tag Romney Speaks at YP4MITT Kickoff

Duration: 596 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-25 13:49:16
User: adgadpad
:::: Favorites

Tag Romney, Gov. Romney's eldest son, speaks to a group of young professionals throwing their weight and effort behind Romney's Presidential bid

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joelwcannon ::: Favorites
I also liked the anchor story at the end. I just finished the book "A Mormon in the Whitehouse" that I recommend to anyone who wants to know more about Mitt Romney.
07-05-28 19:43:45
Bsmack24 ::: Favorites
I would love to see Mitt on some of the business shows. He is one of the great minds of our time and it would be interesting to hear more from him about the way he runs things.
07-06-27 01:59:03
stavros333 ::: Favorites
watch my channel and see why Governor Mitt Romney banned stavros33 from commenting on his channel. He is shaking in his shoes over what I have revealed about him in my videos on my channel and it is getting national press
07-07-10 13:26:12
stavros333 ::: Favorites
Watch the videos titled romneythe question and the otheer two regarding Him and the lies and deceptionhe is wrapped up in. CNN is doing a story on my channel so tune in
07-07-10 13:27:22
stavros333 ::: Favorites
The truth about Mitt Mormon romney is starting to make international news as I have interviewed with the BBC regarding Him and soon Fox News too. Watch my channel is see how Romeny will be stopped
07-07-10 13:28:19
stavros333 ::: Favorites
The truth is no mormon can be or will be president... i'll see to that by exposing them on my channel
07-07-12 01:37:32
stavros333 ::: Favorites
The truth is the best cleanser there is, so Mitt watch out because I am coming with the truth and it is the truth that will stop you
07-07-12 01:38:31
FormerMALiberal ::: Favorites
stavros333, another deranged liberal youtuber! Haha, how do you know when you've found the republican nominee? When the moonbats come out on force on youtube and attack him! They're scared! Romney 08 baby!!
07-07-12 21:51:01
Z8nate ::: Favorites
Stavros333, you sound very kookie and deluted. Why the bigotry? Mass became a better government because of Mitt so why not the U.S.?
07-07-27 16:15:08
plc1 ::: Favorites
Come on Tagg, time to get suited up and shipped off to Iraq, along with the Bush twins, to do your duty to your country. You father missed the Vietnam war, though he claims he wanted to be there, because of an incredibly long Morman sabatical in France that lasted 30 months. Stand up and do your part.
07-07-31 15:52:05

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