Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Steaua-Dinamo 2-1 (Gol M. Raducanu,1976), by Cristi Otopeanu

Duration: 51 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-01 17:07:32
User: cristiotopeanu
:::: Favorites

Gol Marcel Raducanu, in Steaua-Dinamo 2-1 (1976), din pasa lui Iordanescu by Cristi Otopeanu,

康熙來了 - 藝能界也是很環保的 part1

Duration: 533 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-27 12:48:53
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

康熙來了 - 20070727 來賓:蔡燦得、張家慧(張毓晨)、梁又琳、姚元浩、葉蓉庭 省電達人:楊賢英、趙靖宇

hanuely ::: Favorites
07-07-27 13:17:42
oscar842 ::: Favorites
this girls are soo hot!!
07-07-27 15:26:17

YouTube on a Page (Nalts Kids Thank Subscribers)

Duration: 107 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 00:28:55
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

The Nalts kids would like to bring "Subscriber Appreciation Week" to a closing with a personal thanks to subscribers, and a tribute to "Pages of YouTube" (by 1938Superman). THANKS! (more)

rockinrachelle91 ::: Favorites
aww...i miss charlie's long hair, but he's still a cutieface!
07-08-06 21:19:37
stommy10 ::: Favorites
Who's older: Kate or Patrick?
07-08-07 00:55:44
u2chicky ::: Favorites
Nalts the whiny voice you used when talking to the kids sounded so patronizing....
07-08-07 03:32:47
SinisterKleenex ::: Favorites
07-08-07 15:40:40
tokyosunshine176 ::: Favorites
aww :)
07-08-07 15:48:45
abercrombie113 ::: Favorites
charlies so cute x]
07-08-07 17:48:24
Dusktrooper010 ::: Favorites
cute stuff =]]
07-08-07 18:14:51
mimi1931 ::: Favorites
why is charlie wearing a dora shirt? LOL
07-08-07 18:24:00
Klamonator89 ::: Favorites
dude love the vids...keep then cummin!!!
07-08-07 18:32:10
dtothediesel ::: Favorites
Wow, this guy IS BY FAR THE BEST COMEDIAN ON YOUTUBE. He beats the shit out of LisaNova, peron75, or SMOSH. No competition.
07-08-07 21:26:24

Steve Carell Filming "Get Smart" Commentary

Duration: 102 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-15 21:32:19
User: stanleynickel
:::: Favorites

Commentary Carlos did for Steve Carell doing "Get Smart".

kirtneill ::: Favorites
Thanks for this.. Steve Carell is awesome.. :D
07-06-20 18:37:16
jbmop ::: Favorites
haha I bet they hate you for this
07-06-20 20:12:46
potatomato ::: Favorites
Little did you know that the plane represents a part of the movie which we weren't supposed to find out about until the very last minute. Thanks for ruining the movie for everyone. Good to have you.
07-07-12 16:01:34
MissPMS ::: Favorites
no one asked you to watch this.
07-07-18 05:00:40
Philflash ::: Favorites
Tell us how you knew about it?
07-07-31 16:17:54

康熙來了 - 星光幫的好歌 永遠聽不夠II part2

Duration: 539 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-11 15:36:49
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

康熙來了 - 20070711 part2 來賓: 楊宗緯、許仁杰、安伯政、劉明峰、李宣榕 星光幫開同學會囉!喜愛他們的你怎能錯過此次多了解他們的機會呢?......

my500 ::: Favorites
Thank you very much for sharing.
07-07-12 02:09:09
oscar842 ::: Favorites
wahahahaahaa, Xiao S is totally Nuts!!!!
07-07-12 03:17:47
Glashan ::: Favorites
it's the make up that changed him, his eyes grew bigger.
07-07-12 15:23:54
tsungmou ::: Favorites
GO s!!
07-07-12 21:20:05
wuclare1919 ::: Favorites
07-07-18 05:21:14

Jucatorii la inaugurarea mag. Steaua, by Cristi Otopeanu

Duration: 49 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-15 07:20:27
User: cristiotopeanu
:::: Favorites

Jucatorii la inaugurarea magazinului Steaua, by Cristi Otopeanu,

Flight of the Conchords Ep 5 Song for Sally

Duration: 162 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-16 03:28:03
User: r8dkid
:::: Favorites

Song from the 5th episode. View the show on Sunday night on HBO.

sightseer84 ::: Favorites
She gets it stop cock-blocking me. They nailed this parody.
07-07-17 13:49:14
subliminabubble ::: Favorites
Definitely my favorite line in the song. It cracked me up.
07-07-17 18:43:52
zach15749 ::: Favorites
haha your just jealous you wish you were the first and second comment. And i am gay (happy)that i have the first comment so in your face. Haha.
07-07-17 19:08:53
Savan666 ::: Favorites
anyone have chords
07-07-18 17:04:14
BSG751 ::: Favorites
What because I rap about reality like, me and my grandma having a cup of tea!
07-07-20 22:44:48
MrGreenGenes ::: Favorites
C Am F G, E F G, F G, All the chord progressions : )
07-07-22 22:54:06
gauchos78 ::: Favorites
steve! ...LOL
07-07-24 18:31:21
kxbrewsky ::: Favorites
what parody is this?
07-07-31 22:16:07
breznikova ::: Favorites
it's the same with me, except with me
07-08-03 20:13:15
megacake ::: Favorites
parody of a 50's love ballad. i'm not sure they had a particular song in mind.
07-08-06 11:33:50

模范棒棒堂 2007-07-30 超认真歌喉战第二轮PK赛(上) Part3

Duration: 555 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-31 23:29:50
User: LuvLolliPoPBlackiE
:::: Favorites

模范棒棒堂 2007-07-30

mewonthefreeway ::: Favorites
toothpaste vs T ...
07-08-01 02:38:04
producer0413 ::: Favorites
xiao T sure win !
07-08-01 03:20:23
starwishzzz ::: Favorites
i hope xiao T wins :)
07-08-01 04:49:38
cutestarsofthenight ::: Favorites
i think prince sang better than ah ben
07-08-01 10:02:46
crystar27 ::: Favorites
how come xiao T and toothpaste dun have dancers??
07-08-01 10:50:52
tennisgal709 ::: Favorites
prince has a nice voice
07-08-01 13:46:46
clautis ::: Favorites
i love prince and xiao T~
07-08-02 07:10:24
ees3she ::: Favorites
xiao T sings very well!
07-08-06 10:57:30
sfxzlin ::: Favorites
lolipop really don't know sing
07-08-07 19:19:21


Duration: 138 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-25 20:27:55
User: ucankusmedya
:::: Favorites


carolinaluvr101 ::: Favorites
Allahim yarapim! Su ne! Who really cares!
06-12-27 10:55:35
myredpagesdotcom ::: Favorites
who is she?
06-12-27 17:56:27
pendiCk ::: Favorites
it is a orospu
07-01-02 16:58:07
Cursedfly ::: Favorites
-who is she? -it is a orospu maeuaehuahaehaueaeahueahueahueauheauhaeuhaeuhaehehah orospu means a slut btw....
07-01-26 10:21:40
hasank50 ::: Favorites
07-02-01 13:59:32
sadem777 ::: Favorites
bu kadın tamman manyak
07-02-16 18:17:52
serkanns ::: Favorites
a.q karısı
07-02-26 03:04:30

Fashion Flash: 80's Glam Punk!

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-06 17:13:10
User: fordmodels
:::: Favorites

Low, tight, skinny jeans in bright colors, skinny belts, and tiny canvas shoes are just a few of the hottest trends to hit the runways at Fashion Week.

TheBizzler ::: Favorites
What the hell? Who are you?
07-04-23 20:30:31
themanisthebest ::: Favorites
punk style clothing (as well as 80's) is the fashion of the 00's and throughout !!
07-06-11 10:50:23
seks142 ::: Favorites
punks not dead! punkrock bitches!
07-07-11 00:45:45
VisionVellocet ::: Favorites
punk is no fashion. et with the program bitches
07-07-21 07:06:55

Luchtgitaar spelen

Duration: 59 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-30 08:31:13
User: uitzendinggemist
:::: Favorites

The Destroyer laat zien hoe je luchtgitaar speelt in Bijna Beroemd. Bekijk het hele programma op:

gertpan007 ::: Favorites
Nummers wat je net hoorde zijn allebij van Daft Punk, eerste nummer wat je hoorde is Robot Rock en daarna hoorde je Aerodynamic.
07-07-30 15:48:58
ch1ck3n07 ::: Favorites
aww dat jochie op de drums staat niet online? :( jammer hij was fucking goed voor zn leeftijd :)
07-07-30 16:01:38
Metallica3333 ::: Favorites
dit ziet er niet uit.
07-07-31 04:23:30
JumpOrYouLife ::: Favorites
zoek een leven buitenaarts slagroomklopper het lijkt net alsof je een dildo aftrekt
07-07-31 13:49:35
ThaTyger ::: Favorites
erg jammer dat ie niet bleef staan. Vond het stiekem best vet
07-07-31 14:56:26
BlackHeart1607 ::: Favorites
OMG... ongelofelijk kansloos!
07-07-31 16:27:25
grooveslide ::: Favorites
stomme air guitar gasten :P rot toch op en leer fatsoenlijk echt gitaar spelen
07-08-01 05:03:22
lexaah ::: Favorites
mee eens ik bedoel hij heeft de basics van tappen al onder de knie doe dat dan op een echte gitaar krijg je vrienden van :P
07-08-01 10:54:58
grooveslide ::: Favorites
en chicks, krijg je er ook mee :P
07-08-01 13:28:13
KayleeLoves ::: Favorites
echt een sukkel xD Hij is wereld kampioen:S
07-08-07 08:41:38


Duration: 405 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-06 12:16:11
User: ucankusmedya
:::: Favorites



Duration: 168 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-04 21:22:51
User: ucankusmedya
:::: Favorites


muppet151 ::: Favorites
ye dusche baggie ya
06-12-06 04:01:38
blackcatpersecution ::: Favorites this earth?...can some1 please interpret the comments! i'm confuse...
06-12-06 06:27:23
hayvanetiyiyen ::: Favorites
ne war yani olamaz mı, herkesin i yemek şeklli war, bu magazincileri war ya asmak lazım haa . . .
06-12-06 10:30:15
akincan72 ::: Favorites
bu kadarı da fazla yani
06-12-06 14:11:39
mahmut123456 ::: Favorites
cigarami iciyo la bu
06-12-06 14:37:15
bfaller ::: Favorites
The secret to posting a comment is type with your forehead and then click the "Post Comment" button after.
06-12-06 14:56:22
bootylover77 ::: Favorites
who cares
06-12-06 18:16:12
KidIcarus1337 ::: Favorites
Woman eats bread and soup. News at 11!
06-12-06 20:08:37
EROS324 ::: Favorites
ne derseniz deyin dünyanın bence en iddalı mankenlerinden b,risi we heyy bide canlı görün ;) o bacakları incecik beli we otoban gibi omuzlarıı gay olmasam alırdım ama :DDDDDD
06-12-10 18:14:26
ceylan85 ::: Favorites
yiyip yiyip kilo almayan sanslilardanmis bu hep okuz gibi yiyomus bisi olmuomus ole duydum yani
06-12-13 17:35:28

Must Love Jaws

Duration: 159 seconds
Upload Time: 06-03-14 15:00:17
User: Vayabobo
:::: Favorites

Two men, one shark, lot's of love!

orchadork675 ::: Favorites
jaws is so awesome! i would love to swim with the awesome shark without a cage.
07-08-03 22:03:07
QueenMab85 ::: Favorites
Amazing work!
07-08-04 12:31:26
spokar1 ::: Favorites
Brilliant !
07-08-05 09:24:42
Basketballer77 ::: Favorites
lol at 2:13 brody laughs while quint gets swallowed!
07-08-06 02:58:56
nathanpollard ::: Favorites
pfffffft! i belive i can fly wen jaws is eating a man lol ^.^
07-08-06 09:03:07
BlackDillon ::: Favorites
That had me cracking up at work, seriously. Awesome job.
07-08-06 12:23:21
pirategeek19 ::: Favorites
LOL!!! This is like my FAV video and this parody was awesome LOVE the beautiful song when the shark swims by!! Excellent work to whoever made it!
07-08-06 12:44:42
Zachdraft ::: Favorites
great job! I luv the music you played!
07-08-06 13:16:44
cutcutw242 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for adult stuff. I like the site _CAMAHOLIC.NET_
07-08-07 16:09:36
Wolfpesquera ::: Favorites
lol better than the original trailer!!
07-08-07 21:51:38

らき☆すた CM -Short Version-

Duration: 14 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-12 23:26:59
User: animafan23
:::: Favorites

Really brings out the  ̄ω ̄ in her face. 「う~~~」

DavCube ::: Favorites
Somehow i cannot stop laughing at this. XD
07-06-17 15:22:54
WoofWoofMooBark ::: Favorites
That's what I do when I get to school and there's a suprise test in my first class. (I am a sleepy head in mornings.)
07-06-22 02:57:32

People Magazine Diet

Duration: 90 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-19 07:15:42
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

The People Magazine Scratch 'n Sniff Diet. Brought to you by Kevin and.... Charlie.

wonttellyoumyname ::: Favorites
hope you won't feed your kids with that
06-11-25 00:32:42
xtoolsaviorx6 ::: Favorites
Really intresting video
07-01-13 20:31:36
SusannaEOB1 ::: Favorites
Too cute!! I like your stuff you definitely made me LOL on that one :)
07-01-18 00:53:11
bryantaa ::: Favorites
"The chocolate doesn't translate well." Classic.
07-02-09 13:39:42
CooleChicka ::: Favorites
LOL!! the look on charlies face when you ate the paper!! MEN!! briljant
07-03-28 10:39:07
ccaballe ::: Favorites
LOL your kids are not even phazed by the crazy stuff you do any more lol. They are like... yet again!
07-04-05 15:58:56
ureko ::: Favorites
great video!!!but how do you know how the inside of a mailbox tastes like?
07-04-21 15:26:08
BFFgurlz ::: Favorites
HAHAH!!!!!!! that was retarted but then again-HILARIOUS!!!!!!! omg! i love ur videos!! soo funY!! love the ending!!! keep it up!!!!
07-05-01 00:39:47
vamp666babe ::: Favorites
its funny because he doesnt find it out of the ordinary!
07-05-06 16:01:33
natasa88serbia ::: Favorites
I love Charlies face!!!!!!
07-07-29 11:05:04

Ilie Dumitrescu, adulat de fani, by Cristi Otopeanu

Duration: 43 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-08 06:06:15
User: cristiotopeanu
:::: Favorites

Ilie Dumitrescu, adulat de fani in club Preoteasa, by Cristi Otopeanu,

Funniest YouTuber Contest

Duration: 47 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 00:22:37
User: ztcjsa
:::: Favorites

Now, it's your turn to decide who the funniest YouTuber is! Just comment my channel with your vote.

cocolata29 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 15:46:41
KittyToosh1 ::: Favorites
My choice is nalts. thx
07-08-04 16:37:47
knoxy555 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 21:33:57
cinemafreaks2 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 22:05:12
xXbrunette2011Xx ::: Favorites
07-08-04 22:57:00
Oooch ::: Favorites
07-08-05 05:55:25
letitslidenow ::: Favorites
07-08-05 20:26:07
hayleyli ::: Favorites
nalts without a doubt!!
07-08-07 19:30:13
xTheresaa ::: Favorites
07-08-07 21:39:07
webphrey ::: Favorites
dylan, dylan bo billon. :D
07-08-07 22:57:56

Chevy Malibu

Duration: 366 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-10 02:33:10
User: worldcarfans
:::: Favorites

After revealing a sneak peak of its all-new 2008 Chevrolet Malibu in early January, General Motors debuted the vehicle in its entirety during the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The midsize sedan, originally introduced in 1964, is being touted as a fuel saving vehicle with a six-speed automatic transmission. Malibu's safety features include four-wheel disc brakes with ABS, numerous air bags throughout and StabiliTrak.

gavtheskav1 ::: Favorites
{edit} mmm looks like a cross between vw passat and a vauxhall vectra!
07-01-28 11:20:52
churchill1945 ::: Favorites
Thats because Ford and GM haven't made a decent car in years so they have to copy other brands. However copied or not GM has released some fantastic looking new cars lately so may be there is hope. Now only ford have to get their act together.
07-02-24 21:13:03
ghbbb123 ::: Favorites
Very true. I can't think of one GM from the 90's that really blew me away. However, I own 2 GM's and it really makes me happy to see the company improving their cars so much. Lets just hope they keep it up and give the Japs a run for their money.
07-04-08 18:32:05
DaemonQ ::: Favorites
The interior looks... Cheap... I have an 05 Malibu and even the "Faux" wood looks nicer... Pleather just doesn't do it. Now the Grill... Wow... Looks like the Chrysler 300 :) I hope that you can get the 3.5 V6 in the LS and not have to pay out the nose for the LT...
07-05-19 01:45:30
MalibuGT ::: Favorites
This company is a lameass. All the Malibus have sucked, I drive one now, not by choice mind you, but still its a unattractive, and just plain boring car. This car looks like a godamn knockoff
07-06-02 23:28:57
Iridium725 ::: Favorites
this isnt an improvement..all new GM cars suck
07-06-04 21:43:25
ECDT1089 ::: Favorites
This is Chevrolet's version of the Saturn Aura. I like the Malibu a lot better.
07-06-23 09:31:17
PLEEUZ ::: Favorites
I rented a 2006 Malibu and drove from Dallas to North Carolina down through Florida and back to Texas. It lacked styling but was comfortable and got excellent gas milage. We averaged 31 mpg. and ran the a/c the whole trip. I think the Impala is styled much better but that's a little pricier.
07-06-28 09:57:49
booboojames ::: Favorites
the inside and front end looks like a beast nice job chevy and gm ....... every since i was little i loved gm nice to see them back to making them future classics
07-07-16 02:02:59
jeffsteadman ::: Favorites
the only product they make i like is the corvette. 1973 was the big year for GM. sorry to say it but i miss the old chev's. this car blows
07-07-17 00:22:49

Ford Models 360 Model Close-up: Leo Capote

Duration: 102 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-04 14:11:35
User: fordmodels
:::: Favorites

Ford Model Leo Capote shows of his skills in the design studio.

Natural Born Killers Trailer

Duration: 111 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-24 20:13:56
User: SilentNick
:::: Favorites

Two victims of traumatized childhoods become lovers and psychopathic serial murderers irresponsibly glorified by the mass media.

The Secret Behind "Coke 'n Pork" Worms

Duration: 130 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-26 23:12:43
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

You've seen the videos. Coke poured over raw pork makes worms crawl out. Why does it work for some and not others? Nalts figures it out. You need to ensure the right combination of real Coke and generic pork.

typicaltragedy ::: Favorites
Finkamo is absolutley right, that middle America family should have paid for the postage and sent that grocery store pork and coca-cola to Africa, regardless of whether or not it would rot on the way over. I'm sure Ethiopians would love nothing more than to have some decayed maggoty pork and warm sugar water.
07-07-26 02:05:33
Boliver77 ::: Favorites
and whats your country doing for africa? America has put the most time and effort in Africa than any country in the world.
07-07-27 09:58:04
Goyfighter ::: Favorites
07-07-29 20:34:50
Linkin4Ever ::: Favorites
mother fucker!!
07-07-30 15:11:52
BinDarwish ::: Favorites
you're sick!
07-07-31 13:50:41
hocomon ::: Favorites
... I Hate you That meat wasn't supposed to be drowned like that ! And you know it ! So why did you do that ?! Answer me ! Why ? I know why ! Cuz you just want to have fun with you're family on Youtube , but you're having fun alone ! Die in hell , pork lickers !
07-08-01 23:28:14
elenoresmallbabecp ::: Favorites
teens on webcam at YOURCAMSINGLES dot COM
07-08-02 18:30:38
jimmyupt ::: Favorites
That video fucking sucked
07-08-04 15:58:47
Jlow90 ::: Favorites
Yeah if you see it that way... America did bring all former black africans in chains to america to get a new life as slaves. Second the western world has stole all africas natural resources and now the westerns doing the same to the arabs... You will probably not belive it but its true! You got to read a lot of books then you know!
07-08-06 11:32:10
demonking666 ::: Favorites
fuck you and your kids. ill rape you!
07-08-06 15:20:43