Wednesday, April 9, 2008

popstar ercan doktor

Duration: 07:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-24 18:44:47

Ercan doktor muhteşem yorum


kutaynet  2008-04-09 07:58:51

offf offf süperr
hasomaho  2008-04-08 08:35:09

meltem61  2008-04-07 12:43:56

of offfff süper ya...
titanic53  2008-04-05 06:47:07

Telefonun mesaj bölümüne 105 yaz 3004 gönder Ercan'a destek tam destek hade beyler bayanlar bu hafta şok yapalım şok
camkinos71  2008-04-03 06:37:03

Cengiz baba,hakan taşıyan,vahdet vural karışımı bambaşka bir ses,mükemmel yorumlar...yaş olarak henüz baba sıfatına ulaşamaz ama...bundan böyle benim için biiiir numara ERCAN....tebrikler ve başarılarınınn devamıı...

real life shortz- dangerous way to die

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-22 23:55:42

forks kill u~me gettin killed by a fork THE GOOD DIE YONG BOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


beatnick234  2008-03-26 19:39:45

TyrantDIO  2008-03-25 20:50:38


The Emperors New School The Big Fight

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-16 15:24:08

This is from the episode the big fight.. But this is the fight between kitty and a dummy ^^ Funny xD ©DISNEY CHANNEL 2008 COPYRIGTH


cbcbcbcbccb  2008-04-04 07:14:47

yess.. He deserved it Lars1993
Lars1993  2008-03-26 13:47:23

Seriously.. Kuzco deserved to get hit..
Lars1993  2008-03-26 13:47:23

Seriously.. Kuzco deserved to get hit..
Lars1993  2008-03-26 13:45:19

Fuck.. Karko ( cant remmember his name ) got a fucking big voice in english.. in Danish his voice is differnt..
Lars1993  2008-03-26 13:45:19

Fuck.. Karko ( cant remmember his name ) got a fucking big voice in english.. in Danish his voice is differnt..

Irish Man

Duration: 06:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-12 15:03:17

Roddy McCorley was an Irish Hero according to my fathers father who came from Ireland to Scotland in 1857


rendala  2008-01-28 04:29:27

the boot to the ass guys. aka bouncers, aka tosser outers, aka now im fully proud to have irihs in me ..though ive said it..still wish i had some scotish in me.
blobperson  2008-01-17 17:38:54

dude, your realy cool I like your accent.
IrishMan752  2007-11-04 11:29:10

Your now on my web sites good stuff
acridrose  2007-10-29 18:18:14

A fantastic watch
magalator  2007-10-16 19:25:28

this was great! Thanks Jock

american comedian in ukraine

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-19 16:08:13

knock knock jokes in ukraine


lovinglondonuk  2008-02-19 19:43:43

lol me neither ...
TRDPaul  2008-02-19 18:11:42

I dont think he got the joke...

cam test

Duration: 00:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-29 21:53:12

cam test


rollerblader223  2008-03-11 22:10:55

dude this vid is ok. one tip is to dont call cam test. otherwise its ok

The Nights of our Lives

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-21 00:01:27

This is a parody of a television soap opera that I directed (with the help of the other people in the video) for a project for my Acting class. I know the sound quality isn't too great.. sorry about that. There's a twist at the end though, so watch the whole thing! After about 6 minutes, the rest is bloopers.


peacelovecali  2008-04-02 13:18:53

RbdFan4lif3  2008-03-22 10:21:39

ceclynn  2008-03-17 21:46:55

danny's hott!!!
cripjt  2008-02-22 16:38:45

i have the same white hollister sweater as youuuu,
gris19  2007-12-31 18:22:56

wow...what grade did u get...i think u deserve a 100%:D!

Chihuahua Howling

Duration: 00:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-24 18:05:24

My Dog killer howls when he hears the phone i wonder why?


Io e Meur al Tonale

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-23 02:46:24

giornata di giugno, ghiacciaio presena. sciata fantastica


Angry German kid Plays Duck hunt At School

Duration: 06:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-13 16:29:12

Angry german kid plays duck hunt and school but will he win?


tomaz421  2008-04-08 09:34:04

omg this kid... LOL hes rly funny... nice vid btw
coolboycool21  2007-12-16 14:10:16

I just downloaded them off youtube really nothing much try a you tube downloader tool
phil9421  2007-12-15 14:42:28

How did you make the fake error messages at 04:37?