Friday, September 21, 2007

spot Nike total 90 : mettila dove vuoi

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-10 18:21:10
User: smakkkissss
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spot nike con gattuso,rooney,malouda,frings...


judi1405 ::: Favorites
How name this song? Please you can tell me????
07-09-14 14:25:59

Claudio Baglioni & Inti Illimani "el pueblo unido"

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-16 08:56:16
User: smakkkissss
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da "ANIMA MIA"...

Lazio vs Torino : Rosina, fantastico cucchiaio 25/08/07

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-11 06:05:57
User: smakkkissss
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stupendo gol di rosina,il primo del campionati in lazio-torino

Talk between John Howard and Jintao Hu on Sydney APEC

Duration: 03:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 07:43:53
User: beijingusyd
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Chinese TV news coverage of the talk between Australia PM John Howard and Chinese president Jintao Hu.


cdpwum ::: Favorites
07-09-18 07:32:56
gooddog171 ::: Favorites
07-09-08 23:07:17
beijingusyd ::: Favorites
Most are similar to Aussie version. But seems China news media have different focus from Aussie media. They do not focus on the big gas deal, Kevin Rudd's speaking Mandarin, as well as climate chagne issue. Their focus is that Australia do not support the independence of Taiwan.
07-09-09 02:45:33
luanma123456789 ::: Favorites
OMG they sucks!
07-09-08 11:53:51
26p ::: Favorites
07-09-08 19:27:11

Anti Bird Flu research lab in China

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 01:47:37
User: beijingusyd
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Chinese TV news coverage: the state of art anti bird flud research lab in China

Vasco Rossi - Cosa succede in città

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-15 07:52:14
User: smakkkissss
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esibizione in una vecchia edizione del festivalbar

Illegal Abortion Chinese doctor in Sydney, Australia

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 05:52:43
User: beijingusyd
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A 65-year old Chinese doctor faced trouble by illegally selling abortion drug to his patients.

Milan - Sevilla..Gol Renato,dedicated to Antonio Puerta

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-11 00:28:14
User: smakkkissss
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supercoppa,gol di renato deicato a antonio puerta

bleach 140 part 1/3

Duration: 08:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-14 04:03:04
User: sithvicious09
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bleach 140 part 1/3 bleach 140 part 1/3 bleach 140 part 1/3 bleach 140 part 1/3 bleach 140 part 1/3 bleach 140 part 1/3


Madblaster6 ::: Favorites
Hey guys like bleach? Watch my vidoe called Bleach Blow Me Away. Just click on my name to find it. Oh and try to read the description first.
07-09-20 19:42:13
Unit3d5 ::: Favorites
shyt hitsugaya's sennen hyourou is so friggen awsome
07-09-19 23:50:15
chrislo2007 ::: Favorites
These long ass recaps are getting annoying.
07-09-18 22:29:08
godofwar1135 ::: Favorites
woot i knew cap'n was cooler than he appeared to be
07-09-18 12:26:08
osunator ::: Favorites
thanks ..
07-09-16 07:49:30
sithvicious09 ::: Favorites
Ya esta "Bleach 140 Español" buscala en mi canal .. saludos ..
07-09-16 07:14:44
Nirvashtype007 ::: Favorites
how bout stfu and mind your own buisness
07-09-15 21:42:04
figo65 ::: Favorites
lmao he said you never follow through rofl xD
07-09-15 16:01:37
superanimeheaven ::: Favorites
CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL I got lots of bleach clips including THE NEWEST Bleach Shinji Hirako VS Grimmjow Jaggerjack episode 140 fight and u can download and if u like my clips subscribe or add me as a friend tanx ^_^
07-09-15 07:35:20
zeronifty ::: Favorites
Man I love Bleach! too bad I flagged every video in your profile Be respectful of the people that subbed this's wishes and dont post it on youtube :)
07-09-15 04:33:22

La nouvelle Fiat ......lo spot della 500 in francese

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-13 18:21:35
User: smakkkissss
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la versione francese del famoso spot della nuova 500

red moon during lunar eclipse in Sydney Australia

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 06:32:53
User: beijingusyd
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red moon during lunar eclipse in Sydney Australia in 28 August 2007

"The Oyster Empress" (Disclosed- Episode 11)

Duration: 07:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 20:04:57
User: VenetianPrincess
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Royalty free music and licenses purchased/obtained from: All images royalty free licenses purchased from: Script and storyline by me :) For the new people, I don't have a production company. I do the acting, editing, special effects you name it. I am a self-professed nerd. I also play all the characters; the mystical sea urchin, Pearl- Empress of Oysters, and the all the sand smorks ;) (yes I actually blow my money on weird costumes haha)


BeautifulBlog ::: Favorites
OMG..i swear ive seen u somewhere at the mall
07-09-03 12:49:41
yzrgirl ::: Favorites
You've got oompaloompas w/black belts?! you ROCK! Where can I get one? Then I'd have a body guard and I wouldn't have to carry pepper-spray in my purse any more! hee hee! All the best, Your Highness
07-08-15 04:33:36
loraandersen ::: Favorites
07-08-08 00:58:33
jessicaann14 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 18:43:45
sirjcob ::: Favorites
Sand Smorks are great - I think I want one ^^
07-07-20 15:30:36
fatdaddyb28 ::: Favorites
Oh crabs
07-07-11 09:40:09
hakkepeil2000 ::: Favorites
yuo ar really pretty!<3
07-07-05 08:55:25
Joysquigglesparkles ::: Favorites
07-07-04 22:06:21
kamanarifox ::: Favorites
this was grate i dont have any talant any talant with video makeing so when i say this i ....whatever im imprest your good.
07-07-03 16:41:24
zerolopez31 ::: Favorites
You have unbelievable imagination. it's amazing... you've got real talent I hope it helps you out to the best in the end :-)
07-07-03 11:32:48

Venetian Princess and CAT PUKE!!

Duration: 05:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 23:58:40
User: Zipster08
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A lovely Lady and, well...the rest!


Ardenwolfe ::: Favorites
Been there, done that...
07-09-20 18:09:50
DriftyAlison0 ::: Favorites
My brother's cat pukes every now and then.
07-09-16 18:43:52
Marihani ::: Favorites
Similar scenario, except it was a soft, squishy dead thing my foot connected with in the middle of the night. Let's just say I woke up FAST!
07-09-14 05:50:09
Venus50 ::: Favorites
Grrrrooossss! Yeah, mine try the puking thing. I give them 'hairball' remedy. If they don't like to eat the sticky pasty stuff on their food, I rub it on their paw and they lick it off. It works.
07-09-10 00:54:58
Zipster08 ::: Favorites
It's called Dazzle and they carry it at Best Buy. Around $50.00.
07-09-09 18:02:24
ohhlainie ::: Favorites
Zip, what is the name of that contraption you got for transferring vhs to the computer? Gazzle? I would love to be able to put some of my tapes of my kids on here. Thanx so much!
07-09-09 17:59:58
ImaMuffin ::: Favorites
cats don't puke unless something's wrong with them. maybe a change of diet is in order.
07-09-08 14:33:30
hapispyderhse ::: Favorites
As my kids have fondly refered to me as the weird "old" cat lady (50) before. Yes, I to have had many revolting discvery's during the walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night! It's particularly discusting when in squishes between your toes, & you have to sit there (usually in the dark!)wiping it off the best as you can. Then in the morning, looking down & seeing you didn't get it all. LOL Love Ya Zip Hapispyderhse!
07-09-08 11:47:55
orangefescue ::: Favorites
My house has 3,000sqft of hardwood, tile and concret for flooring. When I moved in, I had no rugs or upholstered furniture except for one single white chair. Want to guess the first place the cat puked?
07-09-07 20:53:44
stzach ::: Favorites
And, of course, with acres of hardwood floors to use, my two manx run for the nearest rug. I'm convinced they do this so their own barf won't splash on their toes -- forget mine . . .. Oh, Zip, I'm with you on this one. Cripes!
07-09-07 20:00:51