Monday, August 27, 2007

Mad Hatter in the BB House(3)

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 15:46:13
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

He gives them little ditty's and they think they need to memorize them

FiestyBelle ::: Favorites
He certainly he isn't the mime from season 4.
07-08-16 01:01:02
GhengisGhandi ::: Favorites
He's pretty freaky :)
07-08-15 22:39:14

America's Army Gamer Ad

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-05 19:30:28
User: joystiq
:::: Favorites

From The United States Army tells gamers to "take it to the next level" with military service.

TauHecht ::: Favorites
Wow. Just...just wow.
07-08-08 17:35:41
BolterBolter ::: Favorites
You think your gas prices are bad? We're paying $1.20 per litre... It's expected to hit $1.50 in late summer. That's $6.00 per gallon.
07-07-21 21:42:35
theblackparadedotnet ::: Favorites
That's fucking lame.
07-07-10 14:21:54
airsoftmp5a4 ::: Favorites
compare our gas prices to other countries such as those in europe. Gas here in the U.S. is cheap. Maybe if people would stop driving around there big 10 miles to the gallon trucks and hummers. Bush originaly said that we were going to war cause He said they had weapons of mass destruction and we never found any. Now he makes up other reasons. He never mentioned those reasons as aour cause to enter Iraq before the war. Bush should be considered a war criminal.
07-06-27 10:44:51
airsoftmp5a4 ::: Favorites
If you join the army your fighting for nothing. The whole thing about fighting for your country, and freedom is all bullshit to get you in the army and fight for oil. Afghanistan is a different story because were there to fight to destroy the taliban and such but most likely your gonna go to iraq. Most people think war is a nice little game of shoot the iraqi as displayed in the ad. Why don't they show the part where the u.s. soldier gets killed, blown to pieces, or losing his limbs.
07-06-17 18:08:23
bryon17 ::: Favorites
if were fighting and killign for oil why are our gas prices over $3.00 causing familys to have to cutback on alot of stuff
07-06-25 06:12:08
shadowy111 ::: Favorites
That is disgusting
07-05-08 00:57:19
SargentCaboose ::: Favorites
Is that the new gimmick? join the army its like a game?lol
07-05-06 02:09:58
AsianBorat ::: Favorites
Really, Really, good graphics. :D
07-05-03 20:11:09
embroisured ::: Favorites
That IS your profession.
07-05-03 18:30:27
AsianBorat ::: Favorites
I meant that if you were really meant for something else, then you're screwed if you join the Army, because they force you to stay. My other comment was kindof confusing.
07-05-03 20:10:09
billyx3hk ::: Favorites
07-05-01 20:10:24
smokeyust ::: Favorites
Remember we (the Army) don't get to make choices, politicians do.
07-04-28 01:43:20
aimhigh2k2 ::: Favorites
Most people in the military don't deploy within their first enlistment. Besides, there are more deaths in the country than in a deployed place anyway. You liberals are just too wussy to fight, so don't be jealous now.
07-04-22 03:12:41
RayZR ::: Favorites
That's probably because you're comparing over 29 million people in the United States verses something like 120 thousand people in the US army in Iraq right now. Doesn't mean it's safer in Iraq.
07-04-25 07:21:16
bryon17 ::: Favorites
well said man well said
07-06-25 06:13:01
sergiozc ::: Favorites
the game is awsome and explosives but that is pretty bad goin to war for rich people and bush and killing others now thats messed up but u do defend freedom and u see wat ur made of
07-04-19 22:02:55
yedrellow ::: Favorites
I prefer being able to respawn thankyou.
07-04-13 07:38:34
lollars2 ::: Favorites
07-04-19 06:08:08
Gmanvr3 ::: Favorites
I've played America's Amry and im quite bad at it so I won't join the army yet. But whose to say I actully have to shoot people.
07-04-12 13:10:54

Alle Kämpfer mit Allen Attacken aus der GC Demo Teil 2

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 14:46:31
User: gsukocs
:::: Favorites


SeikoGumi ::: Favorites
It actually looks like a DBZ battle and not genereic crap. Where did Super 13 get such a nice finisher?
07-08-27 00:13:03
Sexyback2345 ::: Favorites
07-08-26 02:46:10
Sexyback2345 ::: Favorites
does anyone know if they changed Cell's in attle voice???
07-08-26 02:46:01
supermegalegend2 ::: Favorites
no one can know cause the game isnt even finished yet let alone dubbed.
07-08-26 10:14:27
adamrpg ::: Favorites
I'm glad that noone has generic rushes anymore,Yay!
07-08-26 02:36:09
ultimadarkness ::: Favorites
Android #13 ftw! :D
07-08-26 02:23:31
KingBrooks1234 ::: Favorites
Android 13 ultimate attack looks soooo kick ass. I really cant wait for this game anymore :(
07-08-25 18:54:08
songojames ::: Favorites
i feel the same way....
07-08-25 22:04:53
TheYoSong ::: Favorites
Cannot really wait to play as 13 he looks so much better!!!
07-08-25 18:43:35
godzillaVS ::: Favorites
13 looks like he will be a LOT more fun this time around! Thanks!
07-08-25 18:38:00
voltagejim ::: Favorites
No ssj Future Gohan? Looks liek you accidently recorded over his moves with King vegeta
07-08-25 16:16:02
EDY67 ::: Favorites
Ehh, It didn't show ssj future gohans moves.
07-08-25 15:57:54
MasterLocoxx ::: Favorites
Great video man, you rock, thx 4 this pre-view of the finishers =D.
07-08-25 15:41:54
forsakenPT ::: Favorites
07-08-25 15:08:24
AshterYuki ::: Favorites
Yay First comment great vid
07-08-25 14:55:51

Dustin and Jessica being serious

Duration: 06:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 00:24:49
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

a little game talk and some plotting on their part

End of the game reaction from QPR V Stoke...

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-06 15:46:31
User: QPRNik
:::: Favorites

Our last game of the 06/07 season.

Sam & Max PAX panel, scene creation

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 19:20:25
User: joystiq
:::: Favorites

Telltale created a Sam & Max scene live at PAX 2007.

Cyberlink420 ::: Favorites
Man, this is awesome. Sam & Max makes EVERYTHING better...
07-08-26 12:30:02

QPR Fans Celebrate Dexter Blackstock's Penalty Against Luton

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-09 14:39:11
User: QPRNik
:::: Favorites

The Superhoops fans go mad as King Dexter scores from the spot to level it up at 2-2. The Ref FINALLY gave us a penalty after we were denied two stonewalls ones earlier!!

will260994 ::: Favorites
07-06-02 12:03:48

死神的判決 (交通宣導短片).

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-10 06:21:20
User: namewee
:::: Favorites

死神的判決 (交通宣導短片)

ashilhotmommafc ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-22 18:33:45
kimkim060606 ::: Favorites
Ketakutan EXTRIM yg menghantui pemimpin UMNO atas akan hilangnya kekuasaan politik menyusul kemenangan besar yg dicapai pembangkang pada pilihanraya 513 memaksa kaum pemimpin UMNO merancangkan kekacauan di masyarakat dan memaksakan Hak2 Keistimewaan Melayu yg membengkak utk menarik sokongan dari kaum Melayu utk melanjutkan nyawa politiknya. TAKUT KALAH, SI PENGECUT, MEMAIN ISU PERKAUMAN utk bertahan hidup, itulah kaum org UMNO, memang tidak berguna SEPERTI TAHI.
07-08-22 11:25:56
windycity88 ::: Favorites
can someone explain to me, for example, is this a real TV advertisment? is it produced by Namewee? thanks.
07-08-20 09:02:20
Muarchineseboy ::: Favorites
yalo make the malaysia 1 la... c government will thank you back la...that time they sure nothing to say...
07-08-07 01:50:11
janice1219 ::: Favorites
umm... imitating the manga/movie/anime of 'Death Note'?
07-08-03 08:40:40
arikuto ::: Favorites
wow..nice 1..
07-07-20 23:23:38
yeo94 ::: Favorites
good...make a malaysia wan la....wee okie???haha
07-07-20 23:06:19
kukumalu123 ::: Favorites
very nice... LOL
07-07-17 12:38:18
eugene9926 ::: Favorites
hey.... this advertisement really have a strong convinction of the message... you did a good job mar... achive the ad obj, select right music and at nite....
07-07-14 11:20:21

BB8: Where in the world is Jen?(4)

Duration: 06:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 00:50:39
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

where oh where?

[PES5] Real Madrid Special Movie

Duration: 04:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-02 06:27:27
User: ciece
:::: Favorites


pinkfloyd42819 ::: Favorites
good video i like that you include saves as well as great goals, also including the real game commentary is very cool.
07-01-24 22:31:32

FTC - BKV 2:0

Duration: 06:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 16:55:11
User: zsozsi80
:::: Favorites

2007 08 11 Nb2 első mérkőzés Zéró tolerancia

patkodavid ::: Favorites
Nekem van ötletem!:D:Szerintem a stadionban szurkolni kell!!!kint a székház elött lehet tüntetni,Meg a buzi MLSZ elött!! Így csak nekünk lesz rosszabb!Dejan09 te ki a kurva anyád vagy???takarodj a picsába Kisteleki ivadék!!
07-08-20 20:39:16
djthomka ::: Favorites
Kisteleki megérdemli még jobban tönkre bassza a Magyar focit !!!! Amugy nem tudom meik csapat sturkolói tartanának ki így a saját csapatuk mellet....?MOndjuk nem szép ahogy szidják a Kistelekit de ,megérdemli !!!!
07-08-15 17:56:43
Kispest1909 ::: Favorites
07-08-12 14:29:57
kispestes ::: Favorites
zsolt,meg a többiek,akiknek jobb ötletük van a tiltakozás kifejezesérée az álljon ki az ötletével!
07-08-12 12:10:52
zsolt0907 ::: Favorites
még Fradi-drukkerként is problémásnak látom, ha így szurkolunk. ennek sem a sporthoz, sem a Fradihoz semmi köze. cigányozás, zsidózás, románozás, szlovákozás stb... ez nem sport. az mlsz olyan amilyen, egy káosz-brigád, mint mindig. de ez nem focipályára való.
07-08-12 10:41:52
AdamFTC ::: Favorites
dejan09- te tirpák paraszt kurva, véded azt a zsidó mlsz-t, te román geci
07-08-12 10:13:55
Dejan09 ::: Favorites
Remélem a legalsó osztályba basznak titeket ti pesti cigány parasztok!
07-08-12 10:05:33

21 августа 2007: Миг-35

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 18:22:45
User: aviasalonmaks
:::: Favorites

полёты первого дня МАКС-2007: Миг-35. Автор Е.Злобин

Granit73 ::: Favorites
Тех же щей погуще влей ?
07-08-23 19:16:08
Sanguebon ::: Favorites
RUSSIA RULZ! gretz from croatian brothers!
07-08-23 12:26:15
GaripowD ::: Favorites
Как видео скачать?
07-08-22 02:30:48
MarekParasolkin ::: Favorites
есть для этой цели чудо-программа, зовётся rtfm.exe %)
07-08-22 15:41:08
zorik79 ::: Favorites
kogda uzhe Миг-35 vipustili ?
07-08-22 01:39:32

Egészséges Fejbőr

Duration: 00:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-23 09:16:00
User: zsozsi80
:::: Favorites


lalaturul888 ::: Favorites
Kárpát-medence: Magyarok hazája!Nagy-Magyarországot vissza, mindent, mindent, mindent vissza!
07-08-22 15:43:48

HOH meeting about Eric w/o Eric (8)

Duration: 05:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 20:57:43
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites


melanie7877 ::: Favorites
...enough of the BBUK comments. lame.
07-08-06 03:17:33
littleroady ::: Favorites
ahhhhhhhhhh...they are sooooo stupid
07-08-06 02:29:17
GhengisGhandi ::: Favorites
WIthout television, reading material, and anything construtive to do, all they have to do is gossip about petty crap. I've never seen another countrys version of the show. Im going to have to check out bbUK sometime.
07-08-05 22:48:35
Bluearcangel ::: Favorites
yep I can give you an addy from daily show 59 of BB Aus... let us know if you want it.
07-08-05 23:17:54
Dazzz53 ::: Favorites
BBUK makes this look like crap. They don't is fantastic..major fanfare going into the house and when they come out...and you get to see diary room sessions!...not to mention the talk shows ...check it out!
07-08-05 23:20:52
Bluearcangel ::: Favorites
Oh I would love to see this lot in BB UK or Aus where they can't talk about this and where their given tasks that challegne them in some way, where thier given tasks, and cannot talk to anyone, cuz they would fail the task.. I would love to see how they handle not talking about nomations and such. Dont they have anything else to talk about. Eric is not with anyone, except BB US and he would take 4 of them as far as he could, dustin, jess, Jemeka & Amber. Dick would not..
07-08-05 22:08:36
Dazzz53 ::: Favorites
You are so right! If those 4 stick together then Kail goes home on thursday...D&D are freaking out so bad right now...can you imagine their faces if Kail goes when they think they've agreed to vote out Eric??? The tables need to turn.
07-08-05 23:13:41
wildguy0 ::: Favorites
don't listen to d &d it will be a big mistake, you will be out nummbers by d&d with zack jen and kail, Dust, Jam and jess don't do it, it will be a mistake.
07-08-05 21:20:54

Mark Dangerman 2 urban style

Duration: 02:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-02 09:45:55
User: bolger2great
:::: Favorites


Rockets Vs Grizzlies 110706 (R2K video)

Duration: 06:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-08 17:53:51
User: thetennisyao
:::: Favorites

Rockets Vs Grizzlies 110706, credit to R2K from

integro9 ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved
07-03-26 14:18:32
texastakeover ::: Favorites
06-12-06 22:09:51
youngien ::: Favorites
06-11-13 03:47:05
pcened ::: Favorites
good game
06-11-10 13:56:14
snownk ::: Favorites
thanks for the video
06-11-09 12:37:06


Duration: 06:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 04:58:12
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

Knocked up movie Review. This is my review of the movie Knocked up. See the trailer of the movie and listen to my review of the movie. Hope this review is helpful. Enjoy the movie Knocked up

FinalDestination019 ::: Favorites
This movie was pretty funny. The 40 Year Old Virgin WAS better, but this one was definitely good.
07-08-14 14:25:20
mindfreak1111 ::: Favorites
hey man can u tell me something. when ben and allison are at there new house and are petting the baby the credits start comming up. what happends after that when the creds come up. plz reply =[
07-08-07 22:02:48
111Sumone111 ::: Favorites
I LOVED this movie so funny
07-08-03 08:57:41
clayfighter ::: Favorites
i real;ly loved this movie. it was wonderful and i like the fact that it seems so real. theres alot of people who act this way and it works perfectly. these movies have really become the gold standard as for american comedies as of late. alot of comedies lately have have gone way to overboard at times with out it working. sometimes over acting works ( the will farrell films) while others dont and i think that more people should really try and make funny stories
07-07-22 13:57:59
poohead1421 ::: Favorites
i havn't seen this movie but towards the end of the review ( while you are talking, it just shows clips during the movie), anyway it goes by a scene with a man with his shirt off sitting down and there is a Canadian maple leaf tattooed on his chest. I was wondering if that is the same guy who plays the shotgunner in Platoon-Oliver stone film i think any ideas???
07-07-21 20:49:47
sillysp8 ::: Favorites
I liked the movie
07-07-13 15:52:43
ariske ::: Favorites
I'm surprised that you didn't like this more. Although I think 40 year old virgin, undeclared and freaks and geeks are some of the best comedy I've ever seen. Seth Rogen is awesome in everything.
07-07-03 19:39:05
MangaAndMusicGirl ::: Favorites
I didnt like the movie it was too graphic
07-06-30 18:06:27
killedkenny07 ::: Favorites
i agree i saw it with my parents and im 16 :\
07-07-27 23:55:15
Rooster0 ::: Favorites
lol "Scanners" was awesome! :P
07-06-30 13:46:12
dirkdemi ::: Favorites
it,s me
07-06-24 22:17:27
michaelmjc24 ::: Favorites
Your reviews are so packed with information, it's hard to get it all. Too much info, talking to fast, leaves me confused and with a headache.
07-06-23 19:54:40
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
I am really a scanner. JK. Love those old eighties horror movies. Sorry I gave you a headache and that your head did not expode on que like in the movies.
07-06-23 20:58:18
longstar666 ::: Favorites
farting at a
07-06-22 01:15:29
bearmare ::: Favorites
Love this movie! I thought 40 Year Old virgin was a masterpiece, but this one is even a notch higher. Katherine Heigl is very, very good. (Very, very hot!) Seth Rogan is a great find as a actor; he's funny and plays the pathos well. Entire cast is worthy, story is great, and the message is pretty thoughtful. Solid, solid movie.
07-06-19 02:42:51
edgrim ::: Favorites
Man, you're the best movie reviewer on youtube. Ebert better sleep with one eye open. Seriously dude, rock on!
07-06-18 21:26:17
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
Thanks for the good words. Hope you like the movie.
07-06-18 21:56:21
eatpumkin090 ::: Favorites
5 star, another great movie review, thanks to u, im ganna go see that movie, i wasnt sure if i should or not but it looks good to me thanks
07-06-18 02:06:28
alpacino185 ::: Favorites
i saw this movie,it was alright but wasnt as good as people say it is
07-06-17 07:57:54
FX111 ::: Favorites
I checked it out, it was very funny! got a bit slow durring the vagas part but picked up and finnished nicely. Anyone who wants a nice flick with a few laughs will like this movie.
07-06-17 03:56:46

Part 2:QPR's lap of Honour following the final game...

Duration: 04:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-06 16:02:17
User: QPRNik
:::: Favorites

Of the season. The team have put in a brilliant effort to stay up, well done Lads!!

Ultras Milan

Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-13 17:03:06
User: zsozsi80
:::: Favorites

Milan-Roma 1-2 Before the match

billiejean55 ::: Favorites
bjk çarşı_____search BESIKTAS İSTANBUL supporters
07-06-27 11:46:19


Duration: 06:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-04 15:43:30
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

the hoax Movie Review. This is my review of the movie the hoax. See the trailer of the movie and listen to my review of the movie. Hope this review is helpful. Enjoy the movie the hoax

IrelandRaven ::: Favorites
I had OCD ,not as serious as howard obviously, but i had to touch everything an even number of times. It drove me nuts,if i didnt do it, it just played in my mind all day like a hang nail you just want to rip off
07-08-09 16:06:01
senoritacoaf ::: Favorites
I love your reviews so much, the tone of your voice and the way you sum everything up is great. Thanx :)
07-04-19 21:58:41
LoveCraken ::: Favorites
tHANKs for this. I might go to see it.
07-04-05 03:20:11
packfan3 ::: Favorites
Pretty sure it's not a wide release since it's not at my local theater, but after seeing the trailor, it made me want to see it. Not sure how far I'll drive to see it though.
07-04-04 21:10:12
RocketCarProductions ::: Favorites
Sounds cool, lucky I know a lot about Howard Hughes so this movie should be pretty accessible to me. Didn't know about his davels in Vegas.
07-04-04 20:56:42

Sotuh Park- Cartman The MOVIE!!!!!!!!!

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 07:43:08
User: bolger2great
:::: Favorites

a trialer 4 cartman the movie

uSCOTTpwnd ::: Favorites
I abolutly love these kind of fake movie trailers! genius! 5*s!
07-07-26 23:36:11
andycohointa ::: Favorites
This trailer looks very familiar...wait...oh yeah....that's right... I'm the actual creator of this trailer. nice job reposting my work.
07-07-18 16:07:37
flipwun06 ::: Favorites
ohh shiit nvm wrong one
07-07-15 20:03:08
ilgovent ::: Favorites
When come this vid??
07-06-29 11:11:56
flipwun06 ::: Favorites
ummmmm this movie came out in 1999....
07-07-15 20:02:56