Friday, February 22, 2008

Always Read the Instructions

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-20 22:14:39
User: IndieRetailer

TLC | video | contest | life | lessons 


My entry to the TLC "Life Lessons" video contest



Someone To Love GMA Kapuso Pinoy Idol

Duration: 04:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-20 22:01:01
User: releaf88

GMA | kapuso | Pinoy | Idol | Someone 


Shayne Ward music by tata... I finally found someone to love the music of Shayne Ward. i got a room to live in my heart.



Gladiator Bloodbath Fight Scene

Duration: 06:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-07 15:50:28
User: HunkyJason04

Gladiator | music | video | Russell | Crowe 


Gladiator - Linkin Park. This is a music video about the most famous Gladiator, Maximus. It's an epic story of a General who becomes a slave, who becomes a Gladiator that defies an Emperor. All of this played out to the tune of "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park. Enjoy.


Wingsarefun1  2008-02-17 19:02:38

chess05  2008-02-17 09:57:59

one step closer 2 the edge, i think.............
Wingsarefun1  2008-02-15 21:46:41

wo i didnt c that!!!
Wingsarefun1  2008-02-15 21:44:47

wats the song that starts at 33 seconds? i know its linkin park but wats the song
kevincostnermyhero  2008-02-11 11:13:13

That's right! I forgot that TnT did that. I was just watching Saving Private Ryan and they didn't edit that, so I forgot that they edited Gladiator...thanks.

盧巧音 - 好心分手

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-24 20:03:03
User: muzikube

盧巧音 | candy |


2002 Live @ TVB


MOOFiAS  2008-01-26 21:09:11

i thought it was pretty good
macaugarlei  2007-12-08 22:06:37

there are lots of very bright lights shinning at stage, and Candy has problems with her eyes dats why she needed to wear shades at many events..
not24getbut24give  2007-09-04 10:33:32

thanks 4 upload this..=)
mightyPants  2007-08-23 09:37:55

that and wtf is with her shades? she looks blind
mightyPants  2007-08-23 09:37:34

you've never seen any live music, haven't you?

Re: My job

Duration: 08:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-03 11:15:59
User: killerpanda66

kfc | officeworks | dumb | customers | MattG124 


this is my jobs. kfc and officeworks. i live in hell. oh and. MattG is wicked.


killerpanda66  2008-01-13 07:11:49

i know. annoying. like. arghhh. just pick it up. jesusss.
smexiemo123  2008-01-13 07:10:38

i agree about the kfc thinggy ppl dont get it you do what you can to surv them and they end up treating you like sh*t when your just trin to do your job i dont understand why ppl canbt clean up their mess ..
fozzdoggy16  2008-01-10 18:53:42

i so fucking understand this omg i love you megan dis is awsum with the rubbish omg i so wish we had this playing at kfc while we were working n the customers could c
killerpanda66  2008-01-10 06:13:16

hahaha. i should shouldnt i. hahahaah xoxo
mzdeexoxo  2008-01-10 06:11:20

I think you should make a blog about ur totally awesome new work partner!!

Little Jimmy Urine finishing the job

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-31 07:18:30
User: fatdawgpeet

Little | Jimmy | Urine | Mindless | Self 


the final few seconds of the concert held at A38, Budapest on Oct. 29. Recorded with a Nokia N70.


Szesziii  2008-02-21 07:01:21

én kezem is ott van ^^az elején az a nyomorék amelyiken a fehér izé van... az a "fehér izé" mellesleg a Jimmy gatyájáról letépett "szalag" vagy mi ^^és azt nekem azá is írta aww. ^^ *mellesleg nem írok angolul épp elég ha a magyarok hülyének néznekX'D" de azért.. I luw U Jimmy ^^
MISANTHROPY647  2008-02-19 21:33:17

i love his pink sleeves.
redheadchik07  2008-02-01 12:33:20

haha baton twirlingXD i love LJU XD
redheadchik07  2008-02-01 12:32:43

yeah- thats why he's still called little jimmy urine on his official fan site ¬¬ he'll always be lil jimmy urine to meeeXD
mychem011  2008-01-20 04:14:29

hehe:D ez jó lehetett:D egyik volt oszt.társammal itthon epedtünk mert neki az MSI a kedvence nekem meg az MCR:D

S & N Dance Centre - Joseph Part 1

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-13 20:36:08
User: vixvoodoowench

vix | vicky | bilton | jess | dance 


S & N Dance Centre - Joseph Part 1 starring Vix Bilton as Joseph and Jess Harker as the Narrator



Genco 26. bölüm part 7 5 ocak 2007 ||

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-05 19:24:30
User: megadizi11

genco | 26. | bölüm | 27. | 28. 


Tıklayınız . . . . Tıklayınız.


daffyokan  2008-01-10 18:39:01

bu adam heryerden zıplıooda bı cıvı mı yıktı dag gıbı adamı:)
kirmenibram  2008-01-06 11:50:55

sadrazam44  2008-01-06 10:35:58

yha ben bu filme bitiyorum sanki bu filmde yaşıyomuş gibiyim genco genco ve pnar ayrı kaldımı ve yha üzüldülermi bende üzülüyom anlayamadığım bişi var bu flm de ama ne


Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-01 21:57:05
User: TheBeatlesNvrDie5

what | love? | LAUREN | AND | JOAN 


Yeah.... sorta self explanatory Music: What is love? - Haddaway


musiccrazy227  2008-02-03 12:50:09

It's a feature on the macs. Then we edited it and made it purple instead of red. Freakin' awesome (:
Mnkyluvrgirl  2008-02-03 11:34:13

omg lauren how did u do that???????
beethovenperson  2008-02-02 18:24:30

[/facepaw.jpeg] XD
musiccrazy227  2008-02-01 23:09:10

OMFG. EPIC! We're awesome :]

McFly backstage at Chart Show Live

Duration: 05:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-13 12:50:43
User: struzy

mcfly | radio | one | chart | show 


Sara Cox interviews McFLYYY backstage at Radio One


AbbiierOse  2007-11-29 14:56:10

they jus like putting him down caz hes so gorgeous lol dougie sits so kool lol they say scabby funny lol he has no big head he just has big cheeks caz he smiles alot
Kezzmoo  2007-07-28 07:26:39

haha doougie scratching up his armpit!!! :P xxx.
musician247love  2007-04-20 22:01:51

haha yeah yeah i know, dont get all defensive...of COURSE i want mcfly to stay together. toms like a very big part of the just saying he deserves it is all :]
jessesgirl4eva  2007-04-17 16:16:54

They would and he is but they can lead there own way into it maybe in a couple of years if there still together because rushing into things would mean the band might not be the same ..
musician247love  2007-04-17 00:15:27

hahah yeeeah i know i know. [[almost 22]] bahah how sad that i know all this. but whatever...its cool. i still think they'd be cute. cause tom is the most adorable person on the earth.