Monday, October 22, 2007

The Bubble Man

Duration: 04:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-15 02:23:17
User: Scotto2008
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Who is "The Bubble Man"? Can you guess?


revo40 ::: Favorites
This video is great... job well done!! A+++
07-10-20 01:58:56
revo40 ::: Favorites
This is what happens when a fraudulent treasonous monetary system is in place. The year was 1913...94 YEARS AGO when Woodrow Wilson signed into law the corrupt illegal "Federal Reserve Act". Since then our "money is created out of thin air backed by NOTHING! We're then charged interest for borrowing worthless paper colored with green ink. WAKE UP people we've been scammed big time!
07-10-20 01:55:56
prieurduplessis ::: Favorites
Brilliantly done Scotto! Easy Al has almost single-handedly caused irreparable damage to the US economy.
07-10-18 00:24:19
Scotto2008 ::: Favorites
Not unique though. Who can forget that old blues standard, "Got them lowdown flat yield curve yen carry trade blues," by Blind Lemon Hedgefund?
07-10-17 23:15:33
Nebris ::: Favorites
Economic critique as a blues tune. Brilliant!
07-10-17 20:58:32
alythcott1 ::: Favorites
This video montage appears to disapprove of bernanke's recent fiscal remedies. I dont know if I agree. I dont possess a degree in finance to be able to say I could do better than bernanke.
07-10-17 16:09:18
emerson134 ::: Favorites
The USD Is about to rise abruptly...99% of the world is now short the USD...The trade is overdone and the rise in the currency will signal a deflationary depression of unprecedented proportions...
07-10-17 11:11:55
Scotto2008 ::: Favorites
I call him "Son of Bubble Man." He flies in on a helicopter toward the end of the song. Bernanke's been nicknamed "Helicopter Ben" for his famous comment that governments can always avoid deflation, even if it takes dropping money out of helicopters. Thanks for the comments everyone. Scotto
07-10-17 01:17:26
Micaiah2004 ::: Favorites
Unfortunately, we now have Bubble Man II (Jr.) and the new FED bubble machine....
07-10-17 01:07:09
followyourgut ::: Favorites
BRAVO!!! APPLAUSE CLAP, CLAP, CLAP BRILLIANT!!! jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajaj
07-10-16 03:08:20

Avatar AMV: "The Thrill" {die Sonne by Rammstein}

Duration: 05:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-15 16:05:45
User: makemepop
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Inspired by another AMV with Rammstein's music, I figured since his style of music is sort of cool I'd have a test AMV to see how Rammstein works with Avatar. I'm not sure about this one, so judje for yourselves! The AMV itself is about Azula and how she fails, even with her old fire academy club, to capture Ba-Sing-Se by force. The Thrill actually is a bad pun that refers to The Drill.

50 Cent: Rap City: Behind The Scenes/Highlight

Duration: 09:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 21:50:15
User: da1andonly90
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This is some behind the scenes and highlight footage of 50 Cent on Rap city with Jim Jones, Soulja Boy, and Master P


Millionphoenix101 ::: Favorites
g-unit just famous in europe
07-10-21 14:22:45
sanchezniko ::: Favorites
g-unit, they crazy
07-10-21 13:05:59
Trick3134 ::: Favorites
this is the kind of shit I like to see, behind the scenes shit.. G-UNIT
07-10-21 09:18:29

Saji Kalev - Muscle Hunk

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 21:06:54
User: justdare55780
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Visit for more videos :)

Who owns you Americans?

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 05:11:32
User: justdare55780
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GongLove ::: Favorites
Spending big, war monger and "don't stick to traditional ways of governemt", are these liberal traits? I'm not sure you actually know anything of what you're talking about. First you associated neo-cons with socialism and now with liberals. I'm not saying I'm an expert myself but I know bullshit when I see it. =P
07-10-22 06:01:48
colindude ::: Favorites
Thanks mate.
07-10-22 06:01:22
vudumojo ::: Favorites
George Carlin
07-10-22 05:56:25
colindude ::: Favorites
Who is that guy speaking?
07-10-22 05:54:34
vudumojo ::: Favorites
All of the honors fore this video just vanished....
07-10-22 05:48:01
vudumojo ::: Favorites
Sure, neocons are not conservative, the spend big, war monger, create big governemnt and don't stick to traditional ways of government or republicanism. They are liberal by every yard stick...
07-10-22 05:47:05
GongLove ::: Favorites
Neo-Con, socialism? You need to ask yourselfif you have a brain. =(
07-10-22 05:43:50
GongLove ::: Favorites
That is what all righties say, even in here they say that. They "don't want to leave anyone left behind, just help them to take care of themselves, but what if you can't? That's when they "will" leave you behind. I suspect a lot of people will continue to live on the streets with R.P. elected. =)
07-10-22 05:41:14
YotaMoteuchi ::: Favorites
k,go away now.
07-10-22 05:30:52
vudumojo ::: Favorites
Who owns America? The U.N., the World Trade Organization(WTO) the world bankers, the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, of England and Rothschilds of Germany, the Global Elite! Queen Elizabeth, the Rockefellers. If you find it disturbing that our Federal government has formed a central "super-state" over this country, you're going to be very concerned when you discover that we're headed for a global central super-state if we don't stop it right now!
07-10-22 05:24:39


Duration: 02:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 17:04:14
User: eflatunbey
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yetanotherday ::: Favorites
Helal hocam, biktik artik bitsin abi yaw, yazik yazik annelere, babalara VATAN YAZIK :s
07-10-22 06:00:37
lyncch ::: Favorites
Milleti birbirine mi vurduracaksın sn Toroğlu?
07-10-22 05:41:06
wulfgar24 ::: Favorites
20 yaşında çocukları 3 ay eğitimle dağa yollarsan olacağı bu tabi. öbür hayvanoğluhayvanların ömrü dağda geçiyor aq. bu hıyarda çıkmış tv de ahkam kesiyor. git kendin savaş o zaman hırto.
07-10-22 05:25:28
gamakey ::: Favorites
türkün türkten başka dostu yok. ab yide amerikayıda istemiyorum girerim ıraka gösterelim şu arap ermeni kırma döllerine.
07-10-22 05:23:51
muraterman ::: Favorites
Helal olsun hocam helal olsun...
07-10-22 05:08:55
horozz20 ::: Favorites
bütün türkiyenin basi sagolsun.bütün geri kalan ülkelerde kina yaksin. dün alman kanali zdf´in teletextine baktim masus acaba bu sehit olayini yaziyolarmi diye ama bide ne gördüm. adamlar gelmis kürtler 12 türk askerini sehit etti yaziyor. pkk dan bahsediyor ve kurdische arbeiterpartei diyor.. yani TERÖRIST demiyor... niye ?????????
07-10-22 04:56:02
horozz20 ::: Favorites
allah hepsinin belasini versin bütün dünya bize karsi ama biz birlik olduktan sonra bütün dünyaya yeteriz ayni eski günlerimizdeki gibi. insallah o ruhu yakalariz ve gücümüzü gösteririz
07-10-22 04:55:53
hhhhh1961 ::: Favorites
Ağzına Diline Sağlık Erman Hocam.
07-10-22 04:54:59
istihbaratadami ::: Favorites
07-10-22 04:53:03
istihbaratadami ::: Favorites
yürü bea
07-10-22 04:51:22

big booty

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 02:03:41
User: justdare55780
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Fatt Jax "Dreams"

Duration: 05:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 08:55:33
User: KingNJ1
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A take on the classic song of the same name by the Notorious B.I.G, "Dreams" is a hillarious, honest, insightful look into what could be, if only.


brandx42 ::: Favorites
This shit is Crazy!!!!
07-10-21 19:40:33
kemble238 ::: Favorites
too funny i love the biggie throw back big dude has flow fo show
07-10-21 17:33:18
roachzilla ::: Favorites
this song is the truth!
07-10-21 14:28:25


Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 17:21:17
User: eflatunbey
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iN4DaY ::: Favorites
Erman hoca hiç olmazsa ağzına gelini söyledi. Nerede bu devletin yetkilileri? Konu başka şeyler olunca atıp tutuyorlar. Tabi askerlik yan gelip yatma yeri değil. Büyük abileri konuşmalarına izin vermiyordur. Hala türbanla, anayasayla ilgilensinler. Bu ülkenin ekmeğini yiyen bunak Feldkamp tek kelime "KINIYORUM" diyemedi. Yazıklar olsun. Ben Oğuz tongsir'inh yerinde olsam başka sorum yok diyerek kesip atardım. Yönetici Adnan Sezgin de çıktı Kalli'yi savunuyor.
07-10-22 05:54:40
lyncch ::: Favorites
Erman hoca, reytingcilik yapuıyorsun yemezler...
07-10-22 05:45:48
ERTEKK ::: Favorites
ben tv de canlı seyrettin erman abimizi herkeze güzel laflar söyledi... program bitene kadar herkeze gönderme yaptı ama tabi ki anlayan oldumu o başka ???kimseden korkusu yok adamın doğruya doğrudur.
07-10-22 03:12:56
illkeane ::: Favorites
Allahina kurban senin ya. her keilmesi dogru her kelimesi hakikat. yok mu sesini yukseltecek babayigit. biz kime vergi veriyoruz ey serefsizler
07-10-22 02:47:31
SportsOnYourHomePC ::: Favorites
CL Matches LIVE on your PC in Midweek 19:45 Rangers - Barcelona 19:45 Dynamo Kyiv - Man Utd 19:45 Arsenal - Slavia 19:45 Chelsea - Schalke 19:45 Benfica - Celtic 19:45 Beşiktaş - Liverpool
07-10-22 04:33:42
blueemuse ::: Favorites
iki küfretmeden konuşun birbirinizden ne farkınız var. al birini vur ötekine.
07-10-21 23:47:04
ipswich77 ::: Favorites
aglarsa anam aglar gerisi yalan aglar
07-10-21 22:42:02
celinehavin ::: Favorites
erman da sansal da reyting ugruna yapiyorlar ha suraya yaziyorum erman kadar paraci sarhos bir insan kalkmis simdi milliyetci olmus sadece slogan atarsiniz milletide boyle kandirirsiniz kalk terorist basi hakkinda konus ona da serefsiz de gorelim erman allah yurdumuzu askerimizi vatanimizi reyting ugruna konusan sahtekarlardan korusun kahrolsun pkk kahrolsun sahtekar erman
07-10-21 22:34:03
oldboy41 ::: Favorites
sen neymişsin be erman bilemedik degerini.seni başkomutan yapmak lazımmış.moldovada git karı ayarla yılmaz vuralla birlikte.sahtekar herif.arkaya bayrak as altada acıklı fon müziği milyarlar cebe gelsin.o bugün toprağa kanı akan gencecik fidanlar senin gibi sahtekarlar için degil bu ülke için feda ettiler kendilerini.tatlı su milliyetcisi seni
07-10-21 22:24:15
tubeanow ::: Favorites
reytiginin amina koyayim erman madem milliyetcilik adini agzina aliyon pic apo nun anasini avradini sikeyim de nerde sende o yurek sadece show adamisin ve oyle kalacaksin sansal ve senin gibilerini topunu sikeyim sirf reyting ugruna konusuyorsunuz pic erman bana nereli oldugunu soyle senin aslini soyliyeyim sehitlerimiz icin reyting icin bos soz deyil ruhlarina fatiha okuyun
07-10-21 22:20:08

ciglet çiftleşme

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-19 03:01:28
User: gamakey
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ciglet çiftleşmemi kavgamı

All Eyes on 50 Cent Pt. 1

Duration: 07:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 13:16:39
User: da1andonly90
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All Eyes on 50 Cent Pt. 1, Also Have Pt. 2 and 3


riseagainstne1 ::: Favorites
07-10-21 09:36:11

All Eyes on 50 Cent Pt. 2

Duration: 08:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-19 21:17:34
User: da1andonly90
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All Eyes on 50 Cent Pt. 2, Also have Pt. 1 and 3

Absolutely Hilarious Bathroom Mirror Prank -

Duration: 06:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-17 19:28:34
User: law2004
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Visit my website at This prank is absolutely hilarious. Replace the mirror in a bathroom with a window pane, place a set of identical twins in identical rooms opposite each other and proceed to prank everyone who walks in. Theyve all become a vampires Provided to you by


GaliTheBest ::: Favorites
Woah lol this one's really brilliant! :) 4/5 it's a little blurry ^^
07-10-22 03:07:47
Bullaren ::: Favorites
the last one was good
07-10-22 02:31:47
YEAHITUBE ::: Favorites
hhaha the first one was the funniest
07-10-21 22:41:08
TwistedIllusions07 ::: Favorites
T4S. thats sooooooo kl.
07-10-21 19:39:29
wkreyess ::: Favorites
wothe:| VERY GOOD
07-10-21 09:25:24
xxilovecr7xx ::: Favorites
I am soooo jelous!! I would LOVE to be an identical twin! the fun you must have...
07-10-21 04:29:22
AnimeLuver945 ::: Favorites
that is awesome! i should try that (i'm a twin!)
07-10-21 00:48:25
HaloDGK ::: Favorites
Must have had alot of practice
07-10-20 15:42:54
phily880 ::: Favorites
bahahaha this prank is one of the best i have ever seen !!! those girls must have practiced alot
07-10-20 14:08:59
nas1503 ::: Favorites
brilliant :D
07-10-20 13:11:23