Monday, July 30, 2007

Where's Daniel?

Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-19 20:30:57
User: lonelygirl15
:::: Favorites

I tried calling his cell phone and talking to his parents but I don't know where he is and I'm really worried. Music: Juan Manuel Fangio by Daniele Torelli

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Olivegal55 ::: Favorites
Its like other ppl have said... Its just like watching a soap orera. Those things are addicting... so is this! Its totally fake and ridiculus.. yet here I am... going to watch the next video.. and the next.....and the next.....
07-06-18 20:33:54
adovesbaby ::: Favorites
who is editing the videos if daniel is gone???
07-06-25 08:53:19
ReAcHx4xThExStArZ ::: Favorites
who is editing the videos if he isnt there.
07-06-28 11:24:10
CJGlass ::: Favorites
i'm getting kind of tired of these people who are taking the time to watch these videos and THEN decide that they will make nasty comments. I think that if you are angry, it's because she fooled you cuz she's a great actor. Don't be so bitter. I really like these videos.
07-06-30 14:04:40
KelsieKayyy ::: Favorites
she edits them. she knows how.
07-07-05 15:06:29
1AMrK1 ::: Favorites
boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring -.-
07-07-07 10:09:17
dannyguitarest ::: Favorites
my name is Daniel are you by any chance looking for me?! :D never mind.....guys check my videos....if you like guitars and other entertainment videos....
07-07-07 10:17:28
treemonster123 ::: Favorites
she is!! she has been for a long time
07-07-16 18:58:52
VelikajaKatja ::: Favorites
looool you are SO right
07-07-21 22:10:45
RealSunShine00001 ::: Favorites
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07-07-27 17:14:22

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