Wednesday, August 1, 2007

3 Chopin Preludes from Op.28

Duration: 439 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-04 00:24:44
User: LVB1770
:::: Favorites

These are old recordings. Please see my new ones at:

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LVB1770 ::: Favorites
Thanks for the advice!
06-08-02 17:01:37
brucesan ::: Favorites
Finally. Somebody who knows how to make a proper piano video. :D I thought your playing was very good. Very beautiful. Perhaps you might consider getting another person to help you film so we could get some closeups on your hands. Keep up the good work.
06-08-03 22:28:04
LVB1770 ::: Favorites
Thank you so much. Good advice on the filming part. I will be remaking these videos and adding more on a 6' 1" Yamaha C3 i just purchased. It puts this piano to shame! Thanks again for your feed back.
06-08-07 12:42:56
RaRa111 ::: Favorites
LVB1770, You play well, I can feel the music you are trying to express but my ears and feelings still don't match. If you know what I'm saying. You have to produce an even more refined sound than this. Work on that. My ears want to hear a perfect sound ;) Perhaps a little bit softer, not weaker, I still want it to be clear, but a bit softer. But keep up the expression, you're doing well.
06-08-09 17:21:00
LVB1770 ::: Favorites
Thanks for the advice. I have been working on a more softer tone. I just sold that piano because it did not allow me to really express myself . I will be posting recordings of these pieces and others on a Yamaha C3 6' 1" I bought. With this istrument I can really express myself much better. Stay tuned.
06-08-09 18:31:23
lovesGenet ::: Favorites
This is not bad playing .Each note is judged.The technique is harsh with the chords in the right hand but this is a very musical person.his playing is better thanmany here wh o have posted vids and have twice more technique.there is some honest communication and understanding ofchopin's milieu.I have a decent knowledge of style and pianorecording history.So you guys lay off.Samson Francois and Collard are French so lay off the french.
06-08-26 07:41:13
SwePianoholic ::: Favorites
The two last bars ( not only there ) in the first piece show that you can play with emotion, I personally prefer a lighter touch in the right hand. For all three, I would prefer a little more dynamics. Hope You still will say hello to the Swedish people =)
06-09-02 17:43:04
LVB1770 ::: Favorites
Thanks! I love Swedish people! Please see my new recordings by clicking on my profile.
06-09-02 23:48:07
jsthorne24 ::: Favorites
Hey. Your playing is good, just keep working. More dynamics would be good, but that may have something to do with the recording audio quality. Keep it up.
06-10-29 20:50:28
marcelmombeek ::: Favorites
I like your playing! but the piano is not realy good sounding...
07-01-02 10:51:39

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