Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Al Qa'ida's Resurgence (Segment 1)

Duration: 223 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-16 22:51:01
User: terrormonitor
:::: Favorites

7/16/07 -- MSNBC: The National Intelligence Estimate on al Qa'ida is expected to be released this week. Early leaks of the report indicate that al Qa'ida has regained strength and post 9/11 efforts have not crippled the organization. Evan Kohlmann discusses the current threat and number of events that have happened recently. He warns against linking failed attacks directly to al Qa'ida. The new tape containing unseen footage of bin Laden is also a concern in light of recent events, but it may be nothing as we did hear from him around this time last year. While important, Kohlmann reminds us that the organization can easily continue without bin Laden being alive, he suspects that bin Laden is alive because al Qa'ida would have no reason to hide his death. Kohlmann also touches on Pakistan and the real problem of terrorism within the country that now has a broad reach into Europe and beyond.

amstrad01 ::: Favorites
Oh Yesssss!!! Invasion of Pakistan starting soon!! Hahahaha.. Time to get popcorn and coke and get ready to watch another comedy show from Pakistan. Hopefully this show will be more hilarious than the Lal Masjid episode. US is going to beat the shit out of Pakistanis. US is coming to liberate Balochistan and Pashtunistan from the tyranny and colonial rule of Pakistan. India should increase support of Balochi and Pashtun freedom fighters. Hey guys, any idea when the beating starts?
07-07-25 07:37:29

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