Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bastard Philosophy Lessons

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 05:23:01
User: seanbedlam
:::: Favorites
Description: I recently made a video making the strong suggestion that America is a Cult. And cue backlash! Wow! Motherfuckers went right off. People who'd thought I was funny before now suddenly realized I was an unoriginal hack. People who yesterday had whispered sweet nothings in my virtual ear turned on me like wild dogs. Which was awesome. Hey guys, all I did was suggest most of the things you hold dear are bullshit! Didn't you already know that? I mean, we're grownups, aren't we? Aren't we? I know I long ago gave up on holding my little philosophies in too high a regard: they're just ideas! Your ideas about your Great Nation are just ideas. They're not Reality(TM). Ah well, what do I expect? I spend all my time thinking about this stuff, and sometimes it's going to seem like I'm coming from Planet Fucking Bastard. I can deal with the personal attacks- especially as anonymous dissage is super-weak. I'll gather up my battered old duffle bag and hitchhike along to the next video. That's the funny thing about Dissent- with a capital "D"- it's a great way to attract abuse. I got into this partly because I was involved in something years ago that attracted a lot of abuse. Abuse of the Major Police Brutality kind. The S11 Blockade was a blockade/protest of the Seattle type, here in Melbourne, the year of 2000. It was a gigantic affair: in a city of 3 million, over 10,000 folks took part over three days. In the second day the cops suddenly beat the shit out of dozens of people right in front of me. It's amazing how you lose all respect for The State when you see peaceful little hippie chicks getting flogged with batons. That event alone- something no-one can ever explain away- radicalized me. I spent the next several years finding out why people think shit like that is just fine. I found Globalization and Americanisation are very closely related and are all wrapped up the tendency of large groups towards fascism. When I think of fascism, I think of the use of force by nationalists, and I think of the way Walmart treats it's "family" of workers. When people talk about patriotism I tend to hear "nationalism". I'm sorry if that hurts people's feelings- I really am. But if I'm hurting the feelings of people who aren't exactly setting the world on fire, maybe that's something I can live with. It's not like I have to explain that doing this shit isn't making me popular. I am gaining subscribers at a glacial rate. I'm a far-fringe comic at best. Doing this shit is costing me money, so to the dudes who suggested I'm on a bandwagon- boo!

distorteddogma ::: Favorites
You don't have to be outside the states to not like it's actions. But hopefully the current coke snorting, beer drinking, friend shooting, lie while I'm smiling at you, administration will get what is coming to it. Unfortunately it does not seem like the ditto heads learned nothin'. Be Well.
07-07-28 06:07:54
tedworld1 ::: Favorites
You are fucked up and funny and all, but that comment on your blog.. "Why do we hate America? You're lucky we don't!" Just remember, it wouldn;t take much to trim off the curly rotten populated edges of that cow patty in the Pacific you reside upon, effectively rendering it ready for us to move in.
07-07-28 18:42:26
Naltsohaulic ::: Favorites
OMG, so great! Great! Great! Great!
07-07-28 19:38:14
seanbedlam ::: Favorites
.....and that's exactly the rotten attitude making America friends everywhere isn't it!
07-07-29 05:33:12
MikeTaylorLives ::: Favorites
Sadly, no it won't. The hate will get redirected towards somebody else. It always does. And quit using using "America" when you specifically mean "the American government". This American was looking for a job during the months leading up to the second Iraq war and wasn't party to the short-sighted decision-making that went on. I don't appreciate it when I get blamed for things I have no control over.
07-07-30 21:56:45
seanbedlam ::: Favorites
That is too precious for words.
07-07-31 01:43:44
usaaaa ::: Favorites
America and Australia should unite to make Auserica
07-08-09 20:55:00
DoyleUSA ::: Favorites
Your like an ugly Jack Black lol
07-08-18 10:29:32
jihadday ::: Favorites
If America leaves the world alone, then the world will just take America's place. The world is always going to have some country in it that gets more powerful and obnoxious than the rest, it just so happens I live in the country that is wearing the belt right now. Yay for America. Yay for me. True?
07-08-18 16:00:24
roguepuppets ::: Favorites
It's the cycle of elitism shown to us throughout our dismal history, but this time, there's a twist: there's no fucking place to run. It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better. More and more of us are waking up, and they can't shutoff the truth.
07-08-18 21:51:38

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