Thursday, August 9, 2007

British muslims 3.

Duration: 369 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-07 08:45:55
User: checked300
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Investigation into the radicalisation of British muslims

Crusader1145 ::: Favorites
A minority perhaps, but a very significant minority. Not a "tiny" minority as you suggest. The West didn't start this war, the Muslims did a long time ago when they occupied Christian and Jewish lands in the Middle East and tried to conquer Europe. The US has been fighting against these nut bags since Thomas Jefferson was president. This is a very old war. One which the Muslims will lose.
07-08-08 10:37:13
kellen45 ::: Favorites
then where is the larger muslim populations outrage at terrorist acts? thats why noone believes what you say......because silence is just as bad as support for these terrorists
07-08-08 10:45:56
kellen45 ::: Favorites
yeah they(Islamists) are pretty up front about what they want, our stupid media does all the white-washing for them...makes me fuc*ing disgusted to see how spiness the us / uk have become
07-08-08 10:52:20
ChuckyHammer ::: Favorites
Listen to all five parts of the video. Especially the part about the bell curve. Anyway a 'small' percentage of a large group comes to way to many people trying to destroy our civilization. Anyway I think people wake up when an event like 9/11 x10 happens!
07-08-08 11:54:18
smallmindbigidea ::: Favorites
This film is a lie. Khan (one of 7/7 Bombers was radicalized as far back as 1999) His own brother has openly said that. Al queda issued their Fatwa agaisnt the West back in the 90's. After we saved their Muslims brothers in Serbia/Kosveo. And saving the Middle East from Saddam in the 90s. And saving them from the Russians in Afganistan in the 80s. Fact. Nothing to do with Iraq or Afganistan. Its bullshit. Jihaidist crap
07-08-08 13:41:00
carliste69 ::: Favorites
a minority as nazi in germany in 1930.
07-08-08 15:39:24
Oceansize1 ::: Favorites
Muslims invaded. Like the soviets and americans started illegal wars in afghanistan and iraq and no-one has stood up to them because there is no balance of power anymore and america belives it can get away with anything it wants. or how palestinian refugee camps are being massacred by the isreali occupiers of their lands and commiting war crimes against innocent civillians. theres your 'Occupiers'
07-08-08 18:43:30
Oceansize1 ::: Favorites
Well yeah i agree that us non terrorist sympathiser muslims need to speak up abit more and help put an end to the extremists but them being silent doesnt necassarily mean they deserve to be treated so skeptically and unfairly let alone still being a minority in a white country that supported the war in the first place. We just need to stop all this labelling and pre-judging shit sort it all out. Type in ''stop the clash of civilizations'' then tell me what u think
07-08-08 18:51:30
q221q ::: Favorites
FUCK MAN, I know. But hey, do yo want to watch TV on your PC. Go to this website... You'll get all the SKY CHANNELS there is AND from any country IN THE WORLD, on your pc screen!!!! frexis.*com/PCTV5.html (DELETE the *) check it out................its cool, i've got it myself.
07-08-08 19:55:40
kellen45 ::: Favorites
im not sure if I agree 100% with isrealis massacre of palestinian refugee camps. Terrorists are known for firing rockets from civillian locations. They place themselves amongst innocent palestinians in order to draw fire. This has been documented many times over. . but im not defending occupation. The only sense of It that I can make of iraq is that america is setting itself up a nice military base for when iran develops a nuclear bomb....the thought of that is just scarry
07-08-08 20:34:42

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