Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Can Conservatives Be Trusted? Kuttner & Kristol Debate

Duration: 2880 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-03 16:17:43
User: Politicstv
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Neconservative Bill Kristol debated progressive Robert Kuttner during "The Big Con" Conference sponsored by the Campaign for America's Future and The American Prospect

diogeneslaertius666 ::: Favorites
you see, its simple doublespeak, you have the entire ballgame in the palm of your hand and go onto the networks that spew your propoganda and assert that its not Reality thats fucked up (i.e. iraq) but rather the "liberal media".
07-06-26 02:59:20
diogeneslaertius666 ::: Favorites
nevermind that the media is owned by the same people pulling the strings in the political process, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, oh and if you make the assertion that its a lie - they will merely defame you and try to characterize you as insane, whilst they are the ones who are categorically and clinically Insane.
07-06-26 02:59:26
Allah0919 ::: Favorites
ALLAH AKBAR!! I am not afraid to fight for Islam!! ALLAH AKBAR!! Death to Infidels!! ALLAH AKBAR!!
07-07-13 02:42:47
Allah0919 ::: Favorites
ALLAH AKBAR!! I am not afraid to fight for Islam!! ALLAH AKBAR!! Death to Infidels!! ALLAH AKBAR!!
07-07-13 02:43:05
vredesbyrd777 ::: Favorites
More staged left/right paradigm propaganda. Both sides are corrupt and have the same agenda of destroying the constitution and the bill of rights via problem reaction solution. Either destroy our financial system through socialism handouts or via military indsutrial complex handouts. Tar and feather both these clowns.
07-08-04 12:39:12
dumpypotatoes ::: Favorites
That's Bill Kristol, chariman of The Project For The New American Century. They're the ones who back in 97 said America should take over the world, to begin by invading Iraq, and we would need "a new Pearl Harbor" to make it all happen.
07-08-04 16:06:47
khalesk82 ::: Favorites
2 words: Noam Chomsky
07-08-05 07:02:34
zunipus ::: Favorites
The hilarious thing is that Bill Kristol and all The Project For The New American Century members and backers, aka everyone who became part of the White House staff and Bush League Cabinet, used to be known as 'The Crazies' by the Reagan conservatives. And guess what! They are crazy. The duped good hearted conservatives of the USA voted this scum into office and the result is 8 years of, or course, craziness. And soldiers are dying in the field for this craziness. I mourn this era.
07-08-05 13:07:57
joelib67 ::: Favorites
Fox news is popular because it's become a side show! People watch to see what stupid things the commentators say next. Most of the viewers are over 65yrs old. The ratings are falling because the audience is dying off. a study showed that out of all the news channels, fox news viewers were the most ill-informed about Iraq!
07-08-05 22:51:56
CherryStadt ::: Favorites
Bill Clinton was never a liberal in the sense of the new revived left in the current Democratic party - he pushed the Democratic party back to the center - which is why the Republican party hated him so much, and why many people hate Hillary Clinton.
07-08-06 07:30:03

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