Friday, August 17, 2007

Countdown: worst Person July 2, 2007

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-02 23:21:55
User: heathr234
:::: Favorites

And the winner is.....George Bush!! Runners up Joe Lieberman and Sean Hannity.

jlassie ::: Favorites
At last! Couldn't be a more deserving candidate for WPITW! Bet Bill-O's jealous.
07-07-03 13:26:09
evildrew81 ::: Favorites
Bush on commuted the jail sentence (2 1/2); he still has to pay a $250,000 fine and is on probabtion for two years. If Ted Kennedy, John Murtha, Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton, and Patrick Kennedy never had to do time for the stunts they pulled, why should Libby?
07-07-03 17:28:14
DarthBombshell ::: Favorites
Cause Libby actually did a crime.
07-07-03 20:42:48
hoobam1 ::: Favorites
I'd also like to point out that Fred Thompson (current GOP candidate and former Law and Order special guest) is affiliated with the multi-million dollar "Libby Defense Fund." Think maybe they have $250,000 they can hand over? You better believe it.
07-07-03 23:37:58
hoobam1 ::: Favorites finish my point: where does that leave Libby? On probation, yet having lobster dinner in Kennebunkport, Maine getting a slap on the back from Dick Cheney as Bush laughs and says, "hellofajob Scooter!"
07-07-03 23:42:42
Hopeful71 ::: Favorites
What crimes were they found guilty of in a court of law?
07-07-15 08:07:10
tenthtry ::: Favorites
What crimes would he or other people have been charged with of if he did not commit perjury? Lying about a blowjob and lying about national security are two different things. He should be charged with treason not perjury.
07-07-18 18:57:27

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