Monday, August 27, 2007


Duration: 06:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 04:58:12
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

Knocked up movie Review. This is my review of the movie Knocked up. See the trailer of the movie and listen to my review of the movie. Hope this review is helpful. Enjoy the movie Knocked up

FinalDestination019 ::: Favorites
This movie was pretty funny. The 40 Year Old Virgin WAS better, but this one was definitely good.
07-08-14 14:25:20
mindfreak1111 ::: Favorites
hey man can u tell me something. when ben and allison are at there new house and are petting the baby the credits start comming up. what happends after that when the creds come up. plz reply =[
07-08-07 22:02:48
111Sumone111 ::: Favorites
I LOVED this movie so funny
07-08-03 08:57:41
clayfighter ::: Favorites
i real;ly loved this movie. it was wonderful and i like the fact that it seems so real. theres alot of people who act this way and it works perfectly. these movies have really become the gold standard as for american comedies as of late. alot of comedies lately have have gone way to overboard at times with out it working. sometimes over acting works ( the will farrell films) while others dont and i think that more people should really try and make funny stories
07-07-22 13:57:59
poohead1421 ::: Favorites
i havn't seen this movie but towards the end of the review ( while you are talking, it just shows clips during the movie), anyway it goes by a scene with a man with his shirt off sitting down and there is a Canadian maple leaf tattooed on his chest. I was wondering if that is the same guy who plays the shotgunner in Platoon-Oliver stone film i think any ideas???
07-07-21 20:49:47
sillysp8 ::: Favorites
I liked the movie
07-07-13 15:52:43
ariske ::: Favorites
I'm surprised that you didn't like this more. Although I think 40 year old virgin, undeclared and freaks and geeks are some of the best comedy I've ever seen. Seth Rogen is awesome in everything.
07-07-03 19:39:05
MangaAndMusicGirl ::: Favorites
I didnt like the movie it was too graphic
07-06-30 18:06:27
killedkenny07 ::: Favorites
i agree i saw it with my parents and im 16 :\
07-07-27 23:55:15
Rooster0 ::: Favorites
lol "Scanners" was awesome! :P
07-06-30 13:46:12
dirkdemi ::: Favorites
it,s me
07-06-24 22:17:27
michaelmjc24 ::: Favorites
Your reviews are so packed with information, it's hard to get it all. Too much info, talking to fast, leaves me confused and with a headache.
07-06-23 19:54:40
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
I am really a scanner. JK. Love those old eighties horror movies. Sorry I gave you a headache and that your head did not expode on que like in the movies.
07-06-23 20:58:18
longstar666 ::: Favorites
farting at a
07-06-22 01:15:29
bearmare ::: Favorites
Love this movie! I thought 40 Year Old virgin was a masterpiece, but this one is even a notch higher. Katherine Heigl is very, very good. (Very, very hot!) Seth Rogan is a great find as a actor; he's funny and plays the pathos well. Entire cast is worthy, story is great, and the message is pretty thoughtful. Solid, solid movie.
07-06-19 02:42:51
edgrim ::: Favorites
Man, you're the best movie reviewer on youtube. Ebert better sleep with one eye open. Seriously dude, rock on!
07-06-18 21:26:17
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
Thanks for the good words. Hope you like the movie.
07-06-18 21:56:21
eatpumkin090 ::: Favorites
5 star, another great movie review, thanks to u, im ganna go see that movie, i wasnt sure if i should or not but it looks good to me thanks
07-06-18 02:06:28
alpacino185 ::: Favorites
i saw this movie,it was alright but wasnt as good as people say it is
07-06-17 07:57:54
FX111 ::: Favorites
I checked it out, it was very funny! got a bit slow durring the vagas part but picked up and finnished nicely. Anyone who wants a nice flick with a few laughs will like this movie.
07-06-17 03:56:46

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