Friday, August 10, 2007

Obama in Oakland

Duration: 275 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-01 15:19:09
User: BarackObamadotcom
:::: Favorites

The Senator holds a rally in Oakland, California on March 17th, attracting 12,000+ supporters.

lewghost ::: Favorites
you are right Danno, caring for the sick and poor and eldery is so wrong,... what ever was I thinking, maybe next time I vote I'll vote someone who would rather spend money, on other countries, than help his/her own country men/women. Don't you all love that logic?
07-04-12 22:05:12
lewghost ::: Favorites
Well you ARE as dumb as Bush, I addresed you in my other comment, but the one to conservpatriot has nothing to do with you, but I guess the amazing thing about you is you don't even know what black people are. "What are "balck people"??"
07-04-13 23:28:59
selfservd ::: Favorites
I got goosebumps.
07-04-15 01:42:03
michigbuck ::: Favorites
The United States cares about ALL countries, not just ourselves. At least more than any other nation on earth. Both in "official" monies and resources that come out of Washington in aid for countries,particualrly when they have a natural disaster and also what private citizens give thru organizations such as the red cross or "Feed the Children" or "Compassion Internat'l" type programs, the US is the most generous nation on earth.
07-04-16 11:14:21
michigbuck ::: Favorites
07-04-16 11:33:15
lewghost ::: Favorites
School of the Americas, its not called that any more, but you might like this kind of "charity."
07-04-16 22:04:59
lewghost ::: Favorites
oh no a typo, got forbid ant one use a brain
07-04-16 22:09:22
str8hoodkill ::: Favorites
i saw him ghost riding the whip at oakland!!!
07-04-18 02:08:25
pzman84 ::: Favorites
Liberalism and socialism are two different ideologies, wise guy. If you don't know that, what makes you think we'll take you seriously?
07-04-22 01:55:48
noorzhassan ::: Favorites
Paul, do us all a favor and go back and climb back under that rock from which you crawled.
07-04-22 17:04:47

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