Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Phoenix light (UFO's) possible explanation

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-07 13:42:21
User: autolinekarlovac
:::: Favorites

UFO. Phoenix light possible explanation

leanna0001 ::: Favorites
Yes it is not flares, and even if its not flares, it doesn't mean the nearest possibility would be ET UFO. It may be a different light, a never have seen sighting, extraordinary but it doesn't mean its ET. Be more realistic, in this new age of technology , a lot of new things will come. The only thing mysterious is why is there a cover-up by the govt? is it because it is ET or is it because it involves the War.
07-05-07 13:19:32
Nick98Z28 ::: Favorites
forget UFO's man, this video is sick!
07-05-15 20:31:20
dawnrun911 ::: Favorites
Skydivers dont skydive at night over urban areas. They also dont stay suspended in mid air.
07-05-22 10:38:55
wildhart7 ::: Favorites
so not right
07-05-30 10:46:45
xzenyphus ::: Favorites
lol, yes, and aliens are going to probe your butt hole.
07-05-31 17:08:48
autolinekarlovac ::: Favorites
I agree with you...
07-06-01 04:44:25
1daveewrg ::: Favorites
Yeh thats a good one, it was people jumping out of planes over the city
07-06-08 09:07:54
aprilm69 ::: Favorites
yeah right, they just sat there in mid air for four hours...NOT! i WAS THERE!!!!
07-06-13 02:43:19
mirfaelltnichtsein ::: Favorites
a picture of a tomato would have done the same amount of explanation
07-06-29 00:14:21
PeerlessWonder ::: Favorites
wow fun skydiving video, um... wrong title though :D
07-07-02 07:44:57

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