Saturday, August 18, 2007

"La Reconquista"

Duration: 04:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-22 16:08:01
User: TheYoungTurks
:::: Favorites

The Young Turks discuss the notion of Mexicans "reconquering" seven Southwestern states. Hosted By Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz and Jill Pike. Listen Live from 3-6pm PT at Clip of the day for August 21, 2006.

burque1987 ::: Favorites
Fuck you asshole pinche gringo chaquetero!!!
07-05-29 16:47:10
takashin123 ::: Favorites
lol don't believe those Mexicans lol please LOL AGAIN mexicans are jokes regars a Spaniard
07-05-30 04:13:03
MONENEKE ::: Favorites
07-06-06 19:37:50
sillyjoe1 ::: Favorites
takashin, r u Spanish? cause if u r u only show the bitterness your pathetic race has by being thrown out of the americas. U call yourselves "conquistadores" it was not conquest it was murder against people who could not defend themselves. I bet you guys cannot come over anymore can u? you guys dont have the money and u know you guys would get your asses whipped so bad and just so you know, mexico is more influential, richer and bigger than spain. u wish u where mexican
07-06-07 13:58:29
xIIxGustavoxIIx ::: Favorites
fucking turkmongols, go bacck to mongolia
07-06-21 07:38:30
JJD77 ::: Favorites
Reconquista LMAO never gonna happen and if it ever did these staes would be just as scummy as mexico,its obvious that the people sneaking into the US are inferior mexican citizens that can't even build a deck never mind a community.
07-07-10 03:08:46
carliste69 ::: Favorites
white américain you are lost you will be the bitch of latinos, negro , and muslims !
07-07-14 14:21:30
arizonared2000 ::: Favorites
These people don't see the truth behind the Reconquista movement. They are getting into the local, state and federal governments. Americans are so apathetic and don't think this is real. Wake the hell up Americans!!!
07-07-23 09:37:58
dberuvides ::: Favorites
Viva Queen Isabella and Spain!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-30 23:00:54
dberuvides ::: Favorites
The Spaniards speed up natural selection!!!!!!!! Viva Isabella
07-07-30 23:03:39

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