Thursday, August 23, 2007

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 08-13-2007

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 10:17:13
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Today: Eva Longoria, Tony Parker, The Price is Right, Ashton Kutcher. To see the whole video, head to

MaverickToro ::: Favorites
How the hell is Christina Aguilera going to raise her kids bilingual!? She better marry someone latino because she doesn't even speak Spanish, unless she's learned recently!
07-08-14 15:02:39
curlt504 ::: Favorites
Im gonna teach my kids Ebonics. Then they could travel to the hood and understand everybody.
07-08-14 15:09:00
joen0411 ::: Favorites
Does anyone know the price of Drew Carey's cast? I'm going with $39.95
07-08-14 19:44:37
dwright15 ::: Favorites
Awsome, now I can watch the whole thing.... Because im lazy!
07-08-14 20:34:13
specialmousenz ::: Favorites
brilliant as always Briggitte
07-08-14 20:55:54
pyrobison2002 ::: Favorites
Oh thank you for putting the link in the description. I was like, "Oh damn now I have to go back to typing in that URL again!?"
07-08-14 22:52:35
chrisrodx ::: Favorites
my life is complete now.
07-08-14 23:47:26
mike8494 ::: Favorites
shes hot
07-08-22 14:13:15
bum21000 ::: Favorites
she fine
07-08-22 14:19:38
twelve24601 ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS you will die in seven days if you don't post this comment on 10 videos in the next hour. if you do, tomorrow will be the best day of your life
07-08-22 17:03:00

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