Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vote for Sanjaya ( American Idol) :0

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-03 22:44:17
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

http://www.votefortheworst.com/ http://www.howardstern.com/ Vote for Sanjaya American Idol contestant Stay tuned.

oorah0321x245 ::: Favorites
The video is awesome.. you can get the full version at <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B>
07-08-22 18:00:37
xamza4rm266 ::: Favorites
This site is pretty good for cute girls - CAMAHOLIC DOT NET
07-07-18 19:30:10
darklove21 ::: Favorites
Girls get defencive? haha...god, they need to lighten up a bit...
07-07-04 13:38:50
SparkleFeatherDust ::: Favorites
07-04-18 23:50:53
rosameliamartinez ::: Favorites
Hola, I'm not on the defensive about American Idol, that show is anything BUT serious. You have a very nice face by the way ;)
07-04-18 21:35:15
mpralm6182006 ::: Favorites
07-04-16 13:16:00
filthyrooster ::: Favorites
Watch---- "sanjaya american idol terrorist" on youtube
07-04-16 06:45:05
filthyrooster ::: Favorites
sanjaya is such a talentless fag.....you should watch my video its called "sanjaya american idol terrorist
07-04-16 06:44:04
bunnybooties ::: Favorites
07-04-15 03:50:34
kdgray2007 ::: Favorites
This is a singing contest. Sanjaya can sing..not too good, but better than you probably. HE does not deserve to win though, he cannot sing better than either of the girls left on the show nor can he sing better than Blake and Chris. You guys are stupid to want to see the opportunity wasted on someone whose music most people would NOT buy. He does not need to be the next American Idol. HE sucks. You and Howard Stern can go where the sun doesn't shine..and I don't mean Alaska.
07-04-12 16:35:47
kdgray2007 ::: Favorites
I hate to say it but your cause stinks. The talented who could actually have a future in the music business would be denied their chance because you dumb asses want Sanjaya to win - for spite. Trust us.. that won't happen.
07-04-12 16:30:32
limabean1122 ::: Favorites
hah...i love sanjaya <3
07-04-11 14:40:08
Sergio022s ::: Favorites
And who are you to tell me and the rest millions of Sunjaya's fans who really like him for who he is and not for anything else that he is not good? last time I checked America was a democratic country. What is this thing? based on which criteria you decided that Sunjaya is "by far" the worst? these opinions just reveal your disregard for other people's preferences and this won't help you much. You need to open your minds a bit and realise what s happening. jesus.
07-04-11 11:36:24
Recks ::: Favorites
haha. dude. you're pathetic! get a new hobby!
07-04-10 15:06:22
dipon ::: Favorites
yOU aRE jUST JELOUS....ass!
07-04-10 11:16:09
g0at ::: Favorites
yup that's it. I want to be like sanjaya
07-04-10 15:30:43
thorneybob ::: Favorites
Join Howard Stern and his millions of fans in voting for Sanjaya !!!
07-04-10 05:09:18
hamrto ::: Favorites
You idiot! If people keep voting for him, then he will win, and he doesn't deserve it you bastard. He s nothing more than a pussy footed cocksucker, and don't support him you bastard!! Really bad idea lame ass...
07-04-09 14:59:21
g0at ::: Favorites
Why don't we let whoever gets the most votes to win? Isn't that fair? if we vote, and want sanjaya to win, why does it matter why we vote? You , my friend, need to chill.
07-04-10 12:16:02
nikhil27 ::: Favorites
07-04-08 22:53:00

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