Thursday, September 13, 2007

CNN Democratic Debate Question 5 for Obama

Duration: 00:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 21:41:06
User: Roger1776
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I ask Obama why he thinks his healthcare plan is realistic in the slightest, especially when he plans to extend it to immigrants.

moosetrck1 ::: Favorites
extending welfare is the last thing this country needs. we need to find how to weed out those loafers who are abusing our welfare system and taking money away from hard working people!
07-08-04 22:35:35
insomnyuk ::: Favorites
Ok fine, I'm making a stupid linguistic point anyway. The word I would use is tyrannical or oppressive. Sorry for calling you an asshat.
07-07-30 11:24:33
Bellator656 ::: Favorites
Cleary, you do not need deadly force to be totalitarian. Corporations have a tyrannical system of command, they are secrative and have no need to respect for the opinions of its employees in the operational structure or decision making.
07-07-30 10:57:16
insomnyuk ::: Favorites
Clearly, you are an asshat. Corporations do not have the ability to exercise deadly force unless the GOVERNMENT GRANTS THEM THAT FORCE.
07-07-28 18:46:25
Bellator656 ::: Favorites
Totalitarian -- "of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life." This fits very well to the fundamental nature of corporation.
07-07-28 17:48:58
insomnyuk ::: Favorites
Totalitarian is a word that makes sense only when applied to entities that can use coercive, deadly force - we commonly refer to these entities as governments. Try rephrasing your question and ask again.
07-07-27 15:10:47
Bellator656 ::: Favorites
"gov controlled medicine is bad" So when the healthcare would be controlled by totalitarian institutions bent on making profit rather than saving lives or healing people, you think it would be better?
07-07-21 14:13:15
zennie62 ::: Favorites
This question's too long for the debate. It comes off as a speech, and not a question. The limit is 30 seconds, and I recommend 20 seconds.
07-07-08 14:52:48
deuscapturus ::: Favorites
Watch the new Michael Moore movie Sicko. It gives answers to those questions.
07-06-20 18:29:29
bradwatson7324 ::: Favorites
Great use of a medical metaphor to make your point! Here's another one: "Government is good at only one thing. It's good at breaking you legs and then handing you a crutch and saying, 'See, if it wasn't for government you wouldn't be able to walk." -- Harry Browne
07-06-19 22:06:44

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