Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fallen Canadian soldier questioned the Afghan war (2 of 2)

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-10 08:04:25
User: nakedgord
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"We've heard he was anxious to leave Afghanistan." "Becoming disollusioned with the millitary and was thinking about quitting." "I really wondered why he was there and I think he started to. And he said, Uncle Bill, it's not like it was on TV and I would never do this again." - William Babe, uncle of fallen soldier. He also added Boneca was wondering why he was even there. "Growing completely disullisioned with the mission." His concerns were with both how the mission was being managed as well as Canada should even be in Afghanistan"

BJimmyH ::: Favorites
These essentially indigeneous people, exist in a religious toalitarian culture like europes middle ages and they have defeated all invasions, to perpetuate. I missed when did 'the people of Afganistan' attack Canada? Other than with Religeous extremists' quotes? Why choose to follow a U.N mandate of war at all? especially one whose process was so manipulated? The pipeline was secured almost imediately, let the U.S. explain to its' people the cost/bennefit of guarding it!
07-04-16 15:07:17
redcollargedeon ::: Favorites
Get William Babe off the TV! Get his opinion off the tv, you're encouraging the Taliban with which we are at war. Backstab Canada and support the enemy: You're not a friend in my book. Dissent at home is what loses wars. Think about it.
07-04-10 18:57:40
Dmansapper ::: Favorites
Not an UN mission but one for NATO. All ISAF are of NATO countries.
07-01-28 06:11:42
Dmansapper ::: Favorites
Correction not UN but a NATO conflict.
07-01-28 06:09:14
Tagar101 ::: Favorites
I cannot, nor will not try to justify Americas friendly fire of Canadian troops, they are poorly trained and recruited in mass amounts. That is not news. That is fact. But friendly fire, unfortunate as it is, happens in all wars. But clarify something for me, you're calling me 'stupit' because a country I am not a citizen of is bombing another country? You're not making sense. Explain yourself.
07-01-02 00:28:38
Tagar101 ::: Favorites
I agree that the USA didn't react appropriately, they very rarely do. But to say that 9/11 is a cover up? You nor I know truely whether it was or not, I have to admit it does seem sketchy in some areas. What I do know is that innocent people died while middle eastern countries celebrated and islam extremist groups took credit for it. That's enough to put them in the sites of my C7 for me. We fight them there or we fight them here.
07-01-02 00:28:21
frankster016 ::: Favorites
Toroscot,The war in Afghanistan was 'started' by USA! Now they backed off and made it a UN conflict! FACT Yes I follow the world politics! But maybe I am like you and asshole, and see only one side! I bet you don't even know why the war started! Dumn Ass!
07-01-02 00:25:28
frankster016 ::: Favorites
Yes the Al Qaeda only took credit for 911! But there was quite a cover-up! Finding body parts 5 years after???? Buiding 7 was not hit but fell like the others,staight down??? The US responded with bombs and even more bombs killing thousands of women and kids!! How can this be justified?? To go in Afghanistan and actually hunt them down would be acceptable, but the USA just bomb!! Like killing 5 Canadians! Taqar, I believe you are the stupit one!Do check out buiding 7, may open your sleepy eyes!!
07-01-02 00:15:15
Tagar101 ::: Favorites
You don't deserve the title Canadian. The USA didn't make this war, Al Qaeda did.. if you want to blame the USA for a war.. look to Iraq, Afghanistan is a different story. If you want to complain about something, use your smoked out hippy brain a little first before saying anything.. makes you look stupid.
07-01-01 22:55:47
toroscot ::: Favorites
Frankster you must be some kind of tool. The war in afghanistan is a UN mandated mission to remove an oppressive regime, not a 'war of capitalist aggression' or any other such nonsense brought about by the US. Pay attention to world politics if you want to talk about it, otherwise piss off.
06-11-21 18:33:18

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