Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Melanie Morgan on Hardball

Duration: 05:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-18 02:49:53
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A clip from the August 17, 2007 episode of Hardball with Chris Matthews.


mcalien24 ::: Favorites
when did stifflers mom become such a bitch?
07-09-11 15:05:52
shaire99 ::: Favorites
Morgan's a poster child for Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong. Not to mention and obnoxious lying personality to go along with it. What a disaster
07-08-19 11:45:48
lmn8bush ::: Favorites
If it looks like a pig , and it sounds like a pig , and it lives in a pen with other pigs , then melanie morgan is a pig !
07-08-20 12:17:46
chervilant ::: Favorites
Poor, deluded Melanie...just how long does she think she can play the fearmongering card? The internet is helping expose the crimes of this vile administration and We The People WILL impeach Cheney, Bush, Gonzales and as many others as we must in order to reclaim our nation. Cheney should be waterboarded--he has asserted many times that this ISN'T torture!
07-08-19 09:53:36
juleofdenial ::: Favorites
Hey Melanie, Cheney should be impeached and tried for treason... and imprisoned or whatever else they do to traitors... And if the Islam police want to dress ME in a Burka, they can just do that... as soon as they pry MY GUN out of MY cold dead hand... THAT IS BEING AN AMERICAN... DAMN IT!
07-08-19 08:14:00
msalas75 ::: Favorites
melanie morgan must be retarded
07-08-18 23:36:23
ireland88 ::: Favorites
Cheney is really pissing me off, thanks for the upload.
07-08-18 22:58:44

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