Monday, September 3, 2007

What All MTV Videos Have in Common

Duration: 02:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-15 00:00:38
User: jimmyrcom
:::: Favorites
Description: to request tutorials Also this is what a lot of Most Subscribed people have in common. People have gotten so stupid as to needing a picture every two seconds just to keep their attention. They just sit there, vegetating while their pitiful brain spaces out on the quick shifts. This is where marketing efficiency and stupidity have crossed. This is from the "DropOut Chronicles" The Dropout Chronicles Watch the video here %%rant

orgay2 ::: Favorites
My dad works in the media.And he told me about this 2 second "law" it was invented in the US. The effects of this is that it will stress you out but you will also think the program is interesting.
07-09-03 01:23:48
imborden ::: Favorites
beating a dead horse
07-09-02 20:00:17
shorbashorba ::: Favorites
it's a style of fast-paced editing. i agree that it's missused. i went to school for this stuff and you wouldn't be surprised how many people use this fast-paced editing in EVERY thing they do. Ask a ninja has a reason to do it because they are trying to mimic the fast cutting in Kung-Fu movies. It's a style joke. The same joke didn't quite work for their "Hope Is Emo" series. just goes to show a joke that works in on genre sticks out in another like a sore thumb.
07-09-02 12:18:07
geniusisweakness ::: Favorites
good observation man..I might have made the same if I watched the friggin crap. lol I can't figure for the life of me either why this stuff can be categorized as music related..I must not be dumb enough to see it!!
07-08-30 21:10:04
khero0 ::: Favorites
Your damn cool man...
07-08-30 15:09:03
jerommeke69 ::: Favorites
It is interesting! Very well noticed! Kewl!
07-08-27 17:53:21
sticksquash ::: Favorites
LMFAO somebody noticed...
07-08-23 18:06:12
contra48 ::: Favorites
or jump cuts...they make me sick
07-08-21 12:49:33
Naruto86421 ::: Favorites
I aso agree :D
07-08-16 10:37:35
b33p ::: Favorites
I noticed this a while ago (when I was 14 or so) and wrote a rant about it. I have the rant and would link you to it, but my website isn't online anymore. Good call.
07-08-13 16:25:03

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