Monday, September 24, 2007

The Zionist Cabal Must be STOPPED!

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-30 15:53:46
User: Tommytime8
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on March 2, 1943, the N.Y. Times reported a mass demonstration in Madison Square Garden the previous night: "(Rabbi Hertz said) 'appalling is the fact that those who proclaim the Four Freedoms have so far done very little to secure even the freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men by readiness to rescue those who might still escape Nazi torture and butchery'. "(Willkie said) 'Two million human beings, merely because they are Jews, have already been murdered by every fiendish means Hitler could devise . . .' "(Chaim Weizmann said) 'Two million Jews have already been exterminated . . . The democracies have a clear duty before them . . . Let them negotiate with Germany through neutral countries concerning the possible release of the Jews in the occupied countries . . . Let the gates of Palestine be opened to all who can reach the shores of the Jewish homeland . . .'" Butz attributes the origin of the 6 million figure to Rabbi Goldstein's statement of Dec. 13. There was also an advertisement which appeared on March 10, 1943, reporting a show organized by the Committee for an Army of Stateless and Palestinian Jews. The advertisement claimed that two million Jews had been killed with four million to go. Butz remarks: "We therefore have a very general usage of the six (or seven) million figure, long before the end of the war, by the political establishment that wrote the charges at Nuremberg so, I believe we can take late 1942 -- early 1943 propaganda as the origin of the six million figure". Later he observes: "We have seen that the first exterminations were not based on one scrap of intelligence data. Zionists, principally in the World Jewish Congress, merely presented their nonsense to the Allied governments, in particular the U.S. Government, demanding endorsement of their nonsense. The first reactions in Washington were to scoff at the claims but, on account of various political pressures, and only on account of those pressures and not because corroborating information had been procured from military intelligence, official Washington eventually cooperated with the extermination propaganda to the extent of having high officials make vague public declarations of an obscure nature. . . "In regard to our terminology, it should be remarked that the word 'Zionist' is not being employed here as a code word for 'Jewish'; the evidence shows that, while the hoax is certainly a Jewish hoax, in the sense of having been invented by Jews, it is also a Zionist hoax, in the sense of having been invented by Jews who were Zionists, on behalf of Zionist ends. The Zionist character of the propaganda is quite clear; note that, as a rule, the persons who were pressing for measures to remove Jews from Europe (under the circumstances a routine and understandable proposal) coupled such proposals with demands that such Jews be resettled in Palestine, which shows that there was much more in the minds of the Zionist propagandists than mere assistance to refugees and victims of persecutions". Thus we have the deliberate concoction and massive dissemination of a monstrous lie, and its dissemination is still current both consciously and unconsciously and thoughtlessly by novelists and writers of articles as garnishings to their stories. Of course, the bodies had to have been cremated, to make them disappear. Otherwise they would have had to be buried, and someone would have dug them up as proof of the exterminations. (One of the difficulties of dealing with large events or large numbers is to make them comprehensible. "The bigger the lie, the more people believe it". Suppose the corpses had been buried in a continuous trench 2.13 by 4.57 metres cross section (7 ft. by 15 ft.) half filled with corpses as to depth. Such a trench would be approximately 18 km., over 11 miles long. Passengers on commercial transport planes are not weighed, but counted, and 77 kg. is the standardized weight for calculations. The weight on which the above burial calculation is based was taken as 70 kg. (154lbs), and height as 176mm. (5ft.8ins.), converted into volume. As the bodies would not be compacted and would not fit closely a 25% addition in volume was made. In view of the recent election (May, 1977) of a "hard-line" party in Israel, and statements already made by its leader -- formerly the leader of a terrorist gang making war on the British -- the matter covered in the review Zimunism has immediate importance. International relations are gravely distorted by policies based, whether wittingly or unwittingly, on official acceptance of a gross fabrication concerning the cremation of 6,000,000 Jews. They could not have been cremated, nor buried. The lie should be exposed as widely as possible. Various other methods of 'extermination' were suggested in the early propaganda: gassing by exhaust fumes in railway carriages and in trucks, mass shootings, injection of poisons -- but killing by cyanide gas has become the preferred version. Part of the evidence accepted by the International Military Tribunal (War Crimes Trials) was a statement offered by one Lt. Kurt Gerstein. In it he claimed that he saw "700 or 800" people at a time squeezed into a chamber 4 x 5 meters large and 1.9 meters -- high -- a room 13 x 16 x 6 ft. say, the area of an ordinary bedroom. Can anyone imagine 700 persons packed into such a room? (The "Getstein Statement" is reproduced as Appendix A in Butz's book). Now there were gas-chambers in various prison and other camps: they were used for the decontamination of clothing infested with lice. There were also shower-rooms, where in-comers to the camp washed for hygienic purposes. The gas used in the "gas-chambers" was cyanide gas, released from a powder named Zyclon B on contact with air. (An interesting instance of the hypnotic power of the "big lie" is provided in a review of Antony Sutton's "Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler" by Dr. Medford Evans. This sagacious and perspicacious writer quotes Sutton: "Sales of Zyclon B amounted to . . . enough gas to kill 200 million human beings, produced and sold by IG Farben". That is to say; thirty-three times the amount required to kill six million Jews, particularly if they were packed into gas chambers. It is highly improbable that the Germans under the stringent economic conditions of total war could have overproduced -- or purchased -- such a grossly excessive quantity. This is the sort of point Dr. Evans might be expected to examine for credibility in all the circumstances, but he accepts it in passing. Sutton's figure for the quantity of Zyclon is no doubt based on documentary evidence, but his reference to 200 million persons appears to be gratuitous. But if in fact the gas was used for disinfection of barracks and other areas of habitation, involving billions of lice in several camps, the quantity involved appears reasonable. Or to put it otherwise, the purchase of such a quantity of Zyclon is confirmatory of the existence of typhus bearing lice). The Auschwitz "camp" was in fact a huge industrial complex, with a main function of producing synthetic rubber -- Buna -- and oil and ammunition. The Buna process gives off a stench, attested to by witnesses, but attributed by them to the burning of bodies. Cremation does not produce a stench -- combustion is too complete. Jews, and others, were certainly imprisoned in the camps; their labour was utilized in war-production, which became increasingly important as the tide of war turned against Germany. Up until nearly the end of the war, when the internal conditions became chaotic -- bombed railways, bombed cities, bombed roads and bridges, plus the blockade, and with troops being pushed back by the advancing Russians -- prisoners, while used as forced labour, were well enough treated, as attested by the reports of the International Red Cross Committee. But towards the end starvation set in and disrupted the camps. But even worse, typhus epidemics broke out in the camps, and in the prevailing conditions resulted in a heavy mortality. Typhus is transmitted by lice, and it was for the disinfection of clothes, rooms and barracks that the Zyclon was required. Apart from the typhus, as a large industrial undertaking a considerable 'natural' death-rate could be expected, and bodies were indeed disposed of by cremation as the most practicable means in the circumstances. Butz concludes that the 'camp' had a maximum of 46 cremation ovens, and that this number is compatible with the known death rate aside from any question of exterminations. --- Jim Condit Jr. tells the truth. The zionist controlled media doesn't want you to know the truth behind the Holocaust, WW1, WW2 and Hitler's close relationship with zionist, or even the truth about the Zionist in our government directly responsible for the attacks on 9/11. This zionist controlled media is an open sewer of zionist/Jewish/Israeli/PROPAGANDA


Macromastro ::: Favorites
Well and Mossad with van of explosive on 9/11? Reports from New York are saying three people have been arrested with a van of explosives. The van was stopped along the New Jersey turn-pike near the George Washington Bridge. It was not clear why police stopped the van but when they did they found it was laden down with tonnes of explosives." Breaking News. ie or breakingnews/2001/09/12/story23429.asp
07-09-14 16:17:27
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Israeli Mossad working so hard and bombing all the pipelines exept the on to Israel! We know"By way of desception"(Mossad) "THE ANSAR al-Sunna, or Army of the Protection of the Sunna, is fake Sunni (MOSSAD) extremist group, said to be linked with al-Qaeda. These are the ones said to behind beheadings, executions and bombings." "The IDF pits Marines against Sunnis, Shiites against Sunnis, Kurds against both, and so on" Says a reporter who was working on this and was killed
07-09-14 16:16:16
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Yes I think you know about the Anthrax Letters! But any way the Anthrax letters were NOT sent by an Arab Muslim but by a Jewish gentleman with the intent to FRAME an Arab Muslim strongly suggests that the entire sequence of recent events has been one frame-up. That would explain why the US Government is itself classifying evidence that links some of the arrested Israeli spies
07-09-14 16:15:24
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Yes we know Israelis made "millions of dollars." Between August 26 and September 11, 2001, a group of speculators, identified by the American Securities and Exchange Commission as Israeli citizens, sold "short" a list of 38 stocks that could reasonably be expected to fall in value as a result of the pending attacks. These speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be "in the millions of dollars."
07-09-14 16:14:11
Macromastro ::: Favorites
We all know that 9 of the 19 Alleged hijckers are alive "Tracking the 19 Hijackers What are they up to now? At least 9 of them survived 9/11" Look at it: welfarestate(dot)com/911
07-09-14 16:12:25
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Yes and we kinow about the 5 dancing Isrealis on 9/11 dressed as Arabs (Mossad guys) with all the money and box cutters and the bombsniffing dogs found bombs in the Mover-van. And then the other car that was parkted at Washington brigde full of bombs on 9/11?
07-09-14 16:11:05
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Also Several Israelis have confirmed that the hijacker's voice is Israeli. The official claim that it is the Egyptian Atta is false. Egyptians who learn English in high school like Atta would have a specific accent and a lively flow (with added vowels like Italian). Also, Atta cannot have a German/Yiddish "r" sound. The hijacker does." get it?
07-09-14 16:10:21
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Yes we know Mossad Odigo had its U.S. headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The Odigo employees, however, did not pass the warning on to the authorities in New York City, a move that could have saved thousands of lives." Yes and the Zionist Jews (Mossad) at Odigo knew The Talmud (i.e., the Babylonian Talmud) text of Sanhedrin 37a restricts the duty to save life to saving only Jewish lives.
07-09-14 16:10:20
Macromastro ::: Favorites
Yes we know "By way of desception"(Mossad) "Mossad warned CIA of attacks reportn By Douglas Davis" "a few weeks before September 11, but the federal goverment says that the warning was for attacks outside the United States" YES Mossad disinformation: "the warning was for attacks outside the United States" And Israli agents came to US from Israel and were set up at the WTC ahead filming and celebrating.
07-09-14 16:09:28
LionnessOfZion ::: Favorites
07-09-14 15:28:52

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